Sunday, April 15, 2012

Finally, Germans speak out against the fascist, criminal and utterly corrupt/assassin regime in Jerusalem....

Finally, Germans speak out against the fascist, criminal and utterly corrupt/assassin regime in Jerusalem's IsraHell....

BERLIN — To judge by the outpouring of comments from politicians and writers and from the newspaper and magazine articles in response to the Nobel laureate Günter Grass’s poem criticizing Israel’s aggressive posture toward Iran, it would appear that the public had resoundingly rejected his work.

But even a quick dip into the comments left by readers on various Web sites reveals quite another reality.

Mr. Grass has struck a nerve with the broader public, articulating frustrations with Israel here in Germany that are frequently expressed in private but rarely in public, where the discourse is checked by the lingering presence of the past. What might have remained at the family dinner table or the local bar a generation ago is today on full display, not only in Mr. Grass’s poem, but on Web forums and in Facebook groups.

One word has surfaced consistently in such discussions: “keule,” which means club or cudgel. The charge of anti-Semitism aimed at Israel’s critics — and in the case of Mr. Grass, by bringing up his past as a member of the Waffen-SS — is widely viewed as a blunt instrument that silences debate, and in the process prevents Mr. Grass from making a point about the dangers of a first strike by Israel against Iran over its disputed nuclear program.

“Every time you speak out and say something that isn’t superpolitically correct, there is a 99 percent chance that you are regarded as right wing,” said Moritz Eggert, a composer based in Munich. Mr. Eggert posted his own musical interpretation of Mr. Grass’s poem with simplified lyrics on YouTube. “Israel, I love you, but don’t attack Iran,” he sings.

Mr. Eggert said he was trying to skewer both sides in the debate. While he said he did not like Mr. Grass’s poem, “it’s embarrassing the way the intellectuals try to paint him in the worst light possible.”

Mr. Grass’s critics hail mostly from the cultural and political elite, while his support appears to be far more broadly based — even if Mr. Grass is not himself seen as the best spokesman for that view, given his own Nazi past.

“The published opinions are all coming from the usual suspects,” said Claus Stephan Schlangen, one of the people behind a Facebook group formed in support of Mr. Grass’s poem. “People just don’t believe what the media is selling anymore.”

Mr. Schlangen is helping run a Facebook page called “Support Günter Grass — What Must Be Said.” The name is based on the title of the 69-line poem, which was published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung last week. In the poem, Mr. Grass, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1999 and the author of the famous World War II novel “The Tin Drum,” said that Israel was a threat to world peace because of its warnings that it might attack Iran over its nuclear program.

The group’s page, which had more than 3,500 Facebook “likes” as of Thursday evening, shows a dove and Mr. Grass with his trademark pipe superimposed over the colors of the rainbow. “We say no to a war of aggression against Iran,” the text reads. Mr. Schlangen said that he and the site’s other manager policed the comments for anti-Semitic remarks, but that they just as often removed threatening language from Israel’s supporters.

Mr. Schlangen said he understood that the condemnation of Mr. Grass was about “German sensitivities and German history,” but he argued that “our mandate is not to support Israel whatever it does, but instead to fight injustice wherever it appears, which can also be in Israel.”

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, personally rebuked Mr. Grass over the poem, and the interior minister declared Mr. Grass to be unwelcome in Israel and barred him from entering the country. On Thursday, Mr. Grass, who seems to be reveling in the attention, waded back into the fray, this time in prose instead of verse, writing an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung that compared Israel to Myanmar and the former East Germany, the only other countries that have forbidden him entry.

Sharp criticism of Israel, particularly from the left, has long been a tradition among European intellectuals, and Mr. Grass’s poem caused little stir on the Continent outside of Germany. But political and scholarly elites here have more often resisted that trend, tending to see basic support for Israel as a German responsibility, if not a necessity, after the Holocaust.

But the public response to the furor over Mr. Grass’s poem suggests that that attitude is breaking down as World War II recedes into history. “In the populism you see surfacing on a large scale, the public is all behind Grass,” said Georg Diez, an author and journalist at the magazine Der Spiegel who has written critically of the poem.

More than a week after the publication of “What Must Be Said,” it was still the subject of significant discussion. In the Thursday issue of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, another critical commentary appeared, this time with the headline “He Is the Preacher With the Wooden Mallet.” And on Thursday night, the talk show host Maybrit Illner held yet another televised discussion, “Grass in the Pillory: Is Criticizing Israel Really Taboo?”

Germany has come a long way since World War II in its struggle to become an ordinary country. The Berlin Wall is gone, and east and west are unified. The country recently ended conscription, which was intended to force a break with the country’s militaristic past and provide a direct link between the military and society as a whole.

But the subject of Jews and the Holocaust remain fraught topics even today.

In Germany, as elsewhere in Europe and in the United States, the conflict with the Palestinians has earned Israel its share of detractors. And for Germans who internalized pacifism as the most important lesson of World War II, the aggressive language that Israel has directed at Iran has seemed alarming.

Peace activists in particular have rushed to Mr. Grass’s defense, saying they were glad that he had brought the subject of a first strike by Israel into the public discourse. “His voice carries significant weight here,” said Manfred Stenner, director of the German Peace Network in Bonn. “We have been saying for a long time that a political solution has to be found.”

Ze’ev Avrahami, an Israeli journalist and restaurateur in Berlin who has written about the Grass controversy for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, said that he had left Israel because he could not support his country’s policies in the West Bank and Gaza. But he said that he and Israeli workers at his restaurant, Sababa, in the chic Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood, have found the tone of the discussions disquieting.

“They are not allowed to say anything about Jewish people, and they will never say anything about Jewish people, but to say everything about Israel is O.K.,” Mr. Avrahami said. “It’s absolutely the new anti-Zionism for all....”

“Israel has earned criticism,” he said, and “on this level....”

Maxim Biller, a German writer and commentator who is Jewish, welcomed the more open debate. “Is it better to keep the lions in their cages, or does it make the lions more and more furious that one day they will jump out of their cages and do their thing?” Mr. Biller asked. “Maybe it’s very good that from time to time one of these old men opens his mouth, says something like this, and then people discuss it.”

“As a potential target of these people,” he said, “I’m quite happy that the elite is still defending some clear positions.”

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Le tout dernier "False Flag Attack" Made in France...

Le tout dernier "False Flag Attack" Made in France....

Un islamiste ! Le tueur de Toulouse est un jeune fanatique terroriste
islamiste djihadiste d'origine algérienne, se prénommant Mohamed,
estampillé Al Qaïda et ayant suivi notamment des stages en Afghanistan et
au Pakistan tout en étant surveillé par les services secrets français… Il
se serait même échappé d'une prison à Kandahar, où il avait été incarcéré
pour terrorisme, rien que ça ! On ne peut mieux faire.

Et pourtant, paradoxalement, son entourage et des témoins affirment le
voir fréquenter des boites de nuits, aimer les filles, les belles
voitures, fumer la chicha, se teindre les cheveux en rouge, etc… ils
ignorent même ses voyages en Afghanistan. Bref, tout l'opposé de ce que
l'on nous vend. Qui croire ?

Ce qui semble à peu près sûr, c'est que ce malheureux jeune homme de 24
ans est condamné. A l'heure où j'écris, on nous dit qu'il se trouve
retranché dans un appartement encerclé par le RAID (si si). Son destin
est scellé, il va vraisemblablement subir le même sort que Khaled Kelkal,
mort au combat ! Et on ne l'entendra sûrement jamais parler bien
évidemment… Une trame toute faite.

Cette instrumentalisation de l'affaire par les médias me semble bien trop
suspecte et ce, depuis le départ, ça sent clairement la mise en scène.
Cela s'inscrit d'ailleurs sur la continuité du travail de propagande
véhiculé par les sionistes.

Tuer des innocents est condamnable, quels qu'ils soient. Ce qui est
déplorable, c'est que lorsque 3 enfants israélites sont tués (paix à leur
âme), c'est le monde entier qui doit s'en émouvoir, mais lorsque des
centaines d'enfants Libanais et des milliers de civils innocents sont
torturés et tués à KHYAM, Qana1et 2..., au Sud Liban ou croulent sous
les bombes tous les jours depuis 1948, 56, 67, 75-,82, 1993,1996,2000,
2006....ou Palestiniens disparaissent tous les jours, se voient déposséder
de leurs organes tous les jours, on passe l'info sous silence, un silence
d'autant plus insoutenable qu'il suscite l'indifférence de l'opinion
Zioconned médiatique...

Cherchez l'erreur il n'y en a pas, nous vivons sous la gouvernance du
Sionisme et des Neocons criminels et assassins…

Ceux-là même qui se scandalisent devant cette tuerie face aux caméras,
applaudissent debout les exactions de tsahal en coulisse !

Admettons la version farfelue de cette tuerie, quelle est la réflexion ?
Des israéliens tuent des arabes, il faudrait bien s'attendre à ce que des
arabes tuent des israéliens à un moment donné. Cela s'appelle la loi du
Talion, c'est bien connu des juifs… Quoi de plus logique ? Mais je n'y
crois pas malgré tout.

Au-delà de ça, à qui va profiter le crime ? Toujours aux mêmes éternelles
victimes shoatistes ! Après tout, la supercherie "israël" s'est
construite en sacrifiant des juifs… On ne construit pas un empire sans
enregistrer quelques pertes, c'est le prix à payer pour ces fous furieux.

A l'image de toute cette mascarade médiatique, et à force d'ordonner au
monde de verser des larmes à chaque fois qu'on touche au "peuple élu" (le
fameux devoir de mémoire), c'est tout le contraire qui risque de se
passer : la lassitude !

On est quand même arrivé au point où la minute de silence s'est imposée
un peu partout (stades, écoles,…), mais pas une seule seconde de
recueillement lors de l'opération plomb durci où des gamins apeurés
avaient été bombardés sans scrupule au phosphore blanc dans des bâtiments
de l'ONU et des hôpitaux au vu et au su de l'humanité toute entière, pour
ne prendre qu'un exemple. Il y a quand même un problème !

Cette histoire fera au moins 2 heureux puisqu'elle offre une belle
publicité au film de propagande à l'affiche : "désintégration" (qui
représente peut-être LA source d'inspiration de ce drame, qui sait) et
qu'elle assure une réélection certaine du président "sortant"…

A ce sujet, je terminerais avec cette étonnante formule du sioniste
Christophe Barbier, qui disait récemment : "La seule chance pour Sarkozy
de remporter cette élection réside dans un événement exogène à la
campagne, un événement international, exceptionnel ou traumatisant (...)
seul un cataclysme capable de fédérer les Français autour de son
président peut offrir une chance de réélection à Nicolas MOSSAD Sarkozy".

Décrypter l'info c'est d'abord émettre des réserves à ce qu'on nous vend.
La prudence est mère de sûreté….

It is just as George Orwell described in Animal Farm: The Democratic Pigs are now pursuing the same brutal, military policies of their predecessors, the Republican Barbaric Porkers, only now it is in the name of the people and "peace".... Orwell might paraphrase the policy of President Barack CIA Obama, as ‘Bigger and bloodier wars equal peace and justice’....desperately trying to keep their "Man" at the Elysée for another 5 despicable years....

Gladio (Italian, from Latin gladius, meaning sword) is a code name denoting the clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Italy after World War II, intended to counter a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organisations, Operation Gladio is the code name for all stay-behind organisations. Operating in all of NATO and even in some neutral countries or in Spain before its 1982 adhesion to NATO, Gladio was first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by the SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), transferred to Belgium after France’s official withdrawal from NATO in 1966 — which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements. According to historian Daniele Ganser, one of the major researcher on the field, "Next to the CPC, a second secret army command center, labeled the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC), was set up in 1957 on the orders of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR).

This military structure provided for significant US leverage over the secret stay-behind networks in Western Europe as the SACEUR, throughout NATO's history, has traditionally been a US General who reports to the Pentagon in Washington and is based in NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, Belgium. The ACC's duties included elaborating on the directives of the network, developing its clandestine capability, and organizing bases in Britain and the United States. In wartime, it was to plan stay-behind operations in conjunction with SHAPE. According to former CIA director William Colby, it was 'a major program'."[1]

Lire la suite ici

Evidence points to a French Operation Treadstone in Mohamed Merah....

March , 2012 -- Skepticism mounts over timing of killing of French "terrorist"....

WMR scooped the media when we reported on the role of then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy's involvement, two years prior to the 2007 French presidential election, in using French agents provocateurs to commit arson attacks throughout France in order to boost his political popularity.

From WMR, Oct. 26, 2006: "WMR has received an eyewitness report to French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy's operations to stir up violence in the Paris metropolitan area's largely Muslim suburbs (banlieues). Sarkozy is running for president in next year's election. On September 25, a police caravan used the right bank of the Seine's Quai des Celestins as a staging area for an assault on the Tarterets banlieue in order to 'rough up' the locals. Several hundred police were press-ganged into service for the attack. Only a few arrests were made in what amounted to a psychological warfare operation. The pre-planned police assault was in retaliation for an earlier attack on two police officers in Tarterets. WMR has learned from French intelligence sources that assaults on police are also staged by Sarkozy and his supporters who have totally infiltrated the domestic intelligence service, the DST, and are now found in increasing numbers in the DGSE, the foreign intelligence service.

In October and November 2005, arson attacks, especially on parked vehicles, spread across France, including to areas that had very few, if any, Muslim residents, but where Sarkozy needed political support. Thousands of vehicles were burned. On November 10, 2006, WMR also reported on Israeli involvement in the rioting on behalf of Sarkozy, who has Jewish parentage: ". . . the rioting in France also involved, according to information presented in a new book in Germany, elements of Mossad's special warfare Metsada and LAP -- Lohamah Psichlogit --
(psyops) units."

Just weeks prior to the first round of France's presidential election, the heretofore unpopular Sarkozy, is reaping a political whirlwind from another series of terrorist actions that have been blamed on a lone member of "Al-CIAda," the neo-con's favorite manufactured icon for false flag and psychological warfare operations....

Mohamed Merah, a 24-year old Muslim French citizen of Algerian descent, was identified as the gunman who committed the terrorist shootings of several people, including three Israeli-French school children at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse, along with their Israeli-French rabbi, in what is now being referred to by the neo-con media as the "French 9/11." French special warfare and tactics (SWAT) police shot and killed Merah after a stand-off at the man's Toulouse apartment.

Merah, who was armed with a small arsenal that included an Israeli-made Uzi, a Colt .45 pistol, a Sten gun, and a shotgun, also stands accused of shooting to death at point blank range a French Muslim soldier on March 11 and two more French Muslim soldiers on March 15. In the March 15 attack, Merah seriously wounded a black French Antillean soldier. Sarkozy's popularity, which had been plummeting amid France's economic crisis, has risen, with the mercurial French president presenting himself as the only person who was able to bring together French Jews and Muslims during a time of grief over the attacks that struck both communities. Sarkozy, in the 2007 campaign, presented himself as the only law-and-order candidate who could defeat the "Muslim threat" posed by the arson attacks and drew support from France's racist far-right by calling young Muslim rioters "scum."

On October 26, 2006, WMR reported: ". . . Interior Minister and presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy, who is supported by pro-right wing Israeli (Likud/Netanyahu/Olmert) factions in France, coordinated and continues to coordinate the paying of agents provocateurs to engage in violence in the predominantly Muslim banlieues of Paris and other cities. The November 2005 riots spread from Paris to Rouen, Lille, Nice, Dijon, Strasbourg, Marseilles (where Mossad's Branch C, also responsible for Paris and London, maintains a large station), Bordeaux, Rennes, Pau, Orleans, Toulouse, Lyon, Roubaix, Avignon, Saint-Dizier, Drancy, Evreux, Nantes, Dunkirk, Montpellier, Valenciennes, Cannes, and Tourcoing."

However, Sarkozy's use of such tactics may backfire on this time because. Like the riots in 2005 that led up to the last presidential election, the victims were two young French Muslim teen boys, who Sarkozy later called "scum." The teens died when they were electrocuted after police chased them into a power station. In the recent events, three children were killed, along with four adults.

There is now a strong belief, including among members of the French media, that Sarkozy staged the recent attacks in order to win sympathy and a popularity boost. First, the French
Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence (DCRI), which Sarkozy created as a huge intelligence department in 2008 because he feared that the DST and DGSE still contained too many agents loyal to his predecessor Jacques Chirac, knew that Merah was thrice in Afghanistan. Merah was arrested in Kandahar in December 2007 for planting roadside bombs in and around Kandahar. Merah was imprisoned in Afghanistan but escaped in 2008 when a single Taliban fighter managed to stage a prison break in which some 900 prisoners, including Merah, escaped. In 2010, U.S. forces in Kandahar arrested Merah in Afghanistan and he was sent back to France. He was back in Afghanistan in October 2011 but he returned after falling ill. Merah was interviewed, not interrogated, by Sarkozy's DCRI agents in Toulouse the month after he returned from Afghanistan.

It now appears that Mohamed Merah, who was shot in the head before he could be taken alive, was France's version of novelist Robert Ludlum's fictional CIA mind-controlled assassin Jason Bourne. It strongly appears that Merah was a mind-controlled asset of the DCRI who was set up to carry out his deadly attacks on the Muslim soldiers and Jewish children and rabbi to help Sarkozy win the April 22 first-round presidential election.

The clues pointing to a French Bourne are clear: French anti-terrorism troops failed to use tear gas on Merah's apartment in order to take him alive. Far from being the crazed "Al-Qaeda" terrorist, Merah tried to join the French Army but was refused. However, Merah is exactly the type of candidate that an agency like DCRI would be interested in recruiting as an agent. Merah's friends and associates claim he never spoke about Islam or politics. Merah, who is claimed to have been a fanatic Muslim, was also said to have been seen in Toulouse discotheques prior to carrying out his shooting spree.

Merah also showed an amazing capability to handle multiple weapons in carrying out pinpoint assassinations and attempted killings, including three French Muslim paratroopers on two different days; the teacher and school children; the wounding of three armed policemen who chased him but from whom he managed to evade; and the shooting of three heavily-armed policemen during the apartment siege. During the apartment siege, Merah offered to trade one of his weapons for a cell phone, an indication that he was not suicidal but wanted to negotiate a deal.

An hour after he asked for a cell phone, Merah jumped from an apartment window and was shot dead in a flurry of automatic gunfire. There are three possibilities to explain Merah's actions:
Merah was a French intelligence agent who was double-crossed after he shot the Jewish school children and eliminated three French Muslim paratroopers who may have committed war crimes as part of France's covert operation in Libya, including overseeing the assassination of Sarkozy's one-time friend and political campaign contributor, Muammar Qaddafi; French Interior Minister Claude Gueant
gave the approval to give Merah a mobile phone and allow his agent to escape through the window and, subsequently cover his tracks by burning the apartment; Sarkozy, who believes all Muslims are "scum," countermanded Gueant's order and directed the police to kill Merah on his way out the window.

For Sarkozy, L'Operation Treadstone appears completed. Plausible deniability is assured. Merah, the French Muslim paratroopers, and Qaddafi are all dead and can tell no tales....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

مع الثورات العربية، مع مشاريع الإصلاح المتعددة ثمة حاجة لفتح ملف الإصلاح الديني

مع الثورات العربية، مع مشاريع الإصلاح المتعددة ثمة حاجة لفتح ملف الإصلاح الديني

الإسلاميون بين الدعوة والسلطة - سليمان تقي الدين

لا يفاجئنا الإسلاميون في عدم وضوح رؤيتهم لكثير من القضايا السياسية الهامة. هناك مروحة واسعة من الآراء والمواقف والممارسات التي تؤكد الطابع التجريبي في السياسة المعاصرة.

لا يملك الإسلاميون نظرية واحدة للدولة ولعلاقة الدين بالسياسة والاقتصاد والهوية (الإسلام والعروبة) والعلاقة مع الغرب، وليست لديهم استراتيجية معلنة واضحة في المسألة الديموقراطية وقضية فلسطين والوحدة العربية أو الإسلامية والعدالة الاجتماعية. باختصار لا يملك الإسلاميون العرب نموذجاً فكرياً وسياسياً واحداً.

لدى الإسلاميين اجتهادات مختلفة في ميدان العمل السياسي عند الانتقال من «الدعوة» إلى المشاركة في صياغة الدساتير والأنظمة والقوانين والتحالفات وفي نظرتهم للحريات العامة والفردية. كل حركة سياسية تقدمت بآرائها الفقهية في ضوء موازين القوى والتجارب الخاصة وثقافة المجتمع.
هذه الظاهرة إيجابية من حيث المرونة والواقعية حين يتحدث أحد زعمائهم عن «الملاءمة بين الإسلام وقيم العصر والحداثة»، خاصة في مسائل الأحوال الشخصية التي يلحقها الإسلاميون عادة بالأحكام الدينية الملزمة. ولا يمكن تجاهل ردة فعل شخص متحدر من حركة الإخوان المسلمين، كرئيس مجلس الشعب المصري، على شخص آخر سلفي في مسائل تتعلق بالنظام المدني، أو تجاهل شراكة الإسلاميين في صياغة أحكام دستورية مدنية، أو «وثيقة الأزهر» مع آخرين من اتجاهات فكرية ودينية مختلفة تعلن مدنية الدولة وفصل الدين عن السياسة واحترام ثقافة المجتمع التعددية والحريات.

لكن ذلك لا يلغي أن جمهرة الإسلاميين تدفع باتجاه ممارسة التضييق على حرية الفكر والضمير والتعبير، وأن قطاعات واسعة منها تمارس العصبية الدينية والسياسية ولا تقبل الآخر وثقافته.

الإسلاميون جاؤوا إلى السلطة في ركاب موجة تغيير سياسي تغتذي من أزمات متراكمة، سياسية اجتماعية ثقافية، ومن مناخ إقليمي ودولي ساهم وساعد وسهّل إضفاء الشرعية على صعودهم السريع إشغالاً لفراغ يحدثه تهاوي الأنظمة الاستبدادية. يحمل الإسلاميون إرث المجتمع العربي المتديّن، لكنهم لا يشكّلون «صحوة دينية روحانية» بمقدار ما يشكّلون انبعاثاً لهوية ثقافية طائفية. فليس هناك من ملمح تجديدي في الفكر الإسلامي يشكّل «نهضة» أو مشروع تحديث وتوحيد. فحيث ما صعد الإسلاميون أثاروا عاصفة من الاختلافات التقليدية والطقوسية والمذهبية أكثر مما أوجدوا حواراً يسعى إلى بلورة هوية ثقافية تقدمية جامعة.

في خلفية المشهد الإسلاموي صدام مع الليبرالية والقومية واليسارية، مع بعض الاستثناءات والتمايزات. بين الإسلاميين والغرب علاقة تضاد ثقافي وتماهٍ سياسي، وهذا عكس التجربة القومية. يقبل الإسلاميون العالم السياسي والاقتصادي بآلياته وقواعده وأحكامه ويرفضونه في منطق الهوية الثقافية. هم بهذا المعنى تجسيد لفكرة صراع الحضارات والثقافات كما طرحها الغرب المعاصر بدلاً من صراع المصالح الاجتماعية التي تجسدت وتتجسد في بيئات قومية أو بين شمال وجنوب وتقدم وتأخر وإمبريالية وتبعية واستقلال فعلي وعولمة.

منذ صعود الإسلام الشيعي في إيران أخذ المسار بُعداً عصبوياً أعطى شرعية للإسلام السني ليستنهض دوره السياسي ويجدده في مواجهة إرث المرحلة القومية العربية. تحوّل الإسلام السياسي في مصر والجزائر وفلسطين واليمن والسودان وليبيا والمغرب والكويت وسوريا ولبنان إلى ما يشبه «هوية وطنية طائفية».

ينتشر الإسلاميون في بيئات اجتماعية مختلفة. كانوا جزءاً من عصب السلطة الاقتصادية في مصر وفي سوريا منذ الستينيات. ناهضوا التدابير التعاضدية (التأميم وغيره) وقاوموا النخبة الجديدة التي أفادت من السلطة السياسية (الاحتكار ـ الامتيازات ـ الحد من الحريات الاقتصادية).

مع تصفية القطاع العام أو التحول عنه في مصر والجزائر وسوريا آلت الكثير من الثروات إلى كبار الضباط والموظفين والقادة السياسيين وحاشية الحكم والأقرباء والأصهار والأنصار. في وجه من وجوه الصراع أجنحة من الطبقة الوسطى. أما في أوساط المهن الحرة والحرفيين وصغار الكسبة فالإسلام السياسي يعبّر عن شعور بالإقصاء والتهميش وعدم تكافؤ الفرص. وفي أوساط الفقراء هو ثقافة الاحتجاج على غياب العدالة الاجتماعية وعلى الثراء والاستغلال والفساد المرتبط في الخيال الشعبي بثقافة الحداثة الاستهلاكية الغربية المستوردة. وتشكّل الاستهانة بالكرامة الوطنية عنصراً مضافاً لنظرة العداء للخارج القومي والديني والطائفي.

لكن بين الإسلام الشعبوي والإسلام النخبوي القيادي والحزبي دائماً هناك حيز من المسافة كما في كل تجربة. تستثمر النخبة رأس المال الشعوري والخيالي في التحريك والتأطير نحو شعارات وأهداف وقيم، وتمارس المناورة والمفاوضة والمساومة على توازنات القوى والمصالح. ليس من تجربة حتى الآن كانت خالية من ظاهرات الفساد والانحراف واستغلال السلطة. حين يتحوّل المشروع السياسي إلى سلطة و«نموذج دولة» يتصرف انطلاقاً من شبكة علاقاته الاجتماعية. الإسلاميون أصلاً لا يريدون تغيير قواعد الدولة بل النظام، وليس في منظورهم الفكري مسألة قومية أو كيانية سياسية إلا الجماعة و«الأمة» التي يجمعها رباط الدين لا رباط التشكيل الاجتماعي أو التعاقد الوطني. عقد الإسلام السياسي هو عقد ديني لا عقد وضعي. لذا هم يرفضون المرجعية الوضعية حيث السيادة لخيارات الناس ويصادرونها باسم المرجعية الدينية.

لا يفاجئنا الإسلاميون حين يكون الغرب بالنسبة لهم استكباراً في أحسن الأحوال وتحدياً لثقافتهم وليس لعيشهم. الغرب غرب والشرق شرق في عوالم منفصلة. ما هو خارج ديار الإسلام ليس إلا الغريب الذي «نعاهده» أي نعقد صلحاً معه أو نعد له رباط الخيل. هكذا هي النظرة إلى الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي وإلى اتفاقية كامب ديفيد أو وادي عربة وأوسلو ومكاتب الاتصال التجارية وحوار الأديان. لا يقاومون الحاكم الفاسد والجائر بل هم «يصلحون المجتمع» يعظونه ويردعونه عن المفاسد والمعاصي.

بهذا السلوك يقطفون السلطة حين تنهار ولا يواجهون النظام السياسي القائم في الخليج مثلاً كنظام إسلامي فاسد. الثورة على الظلم تحتاج إلى فتوى أو إلى «مسوّغ شرعي ديني» له أحكامه الخاصة. ومن بين عناصر هذه الأحكام أن يكون «آخر» وأن يبدأ بالعدوان أو يفض معاهدة.
لا يملك الإسلام السياسي مشروعاً لنهوض العالم العربي، ولا العالم الإسلامي. العالم الإسلامي هو اليوم في نظرهم ليس مجموعة دول وقوميات بل له بُعد ديني مذهبي أو فقهي. إيران ليست فارس بل هي كيان شيعي وتركيا ليست قومية سلجوقية بل هي كيان سني. الكيان بهويته المذهبية والسياسية لا بعنصره ولا بمصالحه «الدولتية الوضعية».

الرأسمال الأكبر للإسلام السياسي فرضية خلاص العالم من طريق الدين. الدين بما هو وعد ورجاء وبما هو سلوك يوفر راحة العقل والنفس. صعد الإسلام السياسي نتيجة أزمة وجودية احتاجت فيها الناس إلى «مخلص». فكرة المخلص قد تكون زعامة وقيادة فردية يضع الناس آمالهم عندها أو جماعة. الجماعة التي تعد بخلاص العالم عن طريق الالتزام الأخلاقي أو الإيديولوجي هي شكل من الاستبداد الجمعي الذي يسكّن الألم ولا يعالجه. نحن في عالم استيقظت فيه الهويات الفئوية في تعبير ديني أو عرقي أو ثقافي لكنه ليس عالماً دينياً روحانياً. هذه تداعيات العولمة المعاصرة وبعض تجلياتها.

في العولمة يجري استبدال الهويات. العروبة أو الأمة التي ما زالت تسعى إلى بناء دولتها الحرة قد تصير أمماً أثنية، وفلسطين تصبح خط تماس ديني مع دولة اليهود نحاورها ونعاهدها أو نحاربها ولكن لا مسألة حق شعب وإنسان وكيان مستقل لمجتمع مستقل بعناصره ومصالحه.

لا جدال في شرعية الإسلاميين اليوم لأنهم خرجوا من لا شرعية الأوضاع السابقة السائدة ونالوا تأييد جمهرة واسعة من حقها أن تكون شريكة بلونها وثقافتها وطموحاتها. يأتي الإسلاميون بمكتسب الثورة «الديموقراطية» وقد يأتون بمكتسب القوة.

ما هو مهم الآن هل يتكيّفون مع قيم العصر وحاجات المجتمع إلى وسائل التقدم الاجتماعي والإنساني أم ينقلبون على شرعيتهم التي جاءت من خيار الناس!؟ مع الثورات العربية، مع مشاريع الإصلاح المتعددة ثمة حاجة لفتح ملف الإصلاح الديني

هل نصنع الثورة أم ندع الثورة تصنعنا؟
يقول الفيلسوف الفرنسي الشهير "ألكسي دو توكفيل" " الثورة مثلها مثل الرواية أصعب جزء فيها كيفية انهاؤها ".
ولكن الثورة قد تصبح بحد ذاتها مرعبة ونهايتها مأساوية إن كانت منطلقاتها في الأساس عشوائية وغير مدعومة بركائز فكرية وثقافية ثابتة.
وهنا تكمن المعضلة الشائكة بين أن يكون التغيير وليدة الثورة، أو أن تكون الثورة نتيجة التغيير.

هل نصنع الثورة أم ندع الثورة تصنعنا؟
إن الثورة بحد ذاتها كمفهوم شامل أشبه بالعاصفة الهوجاء، تتخطى بدرجات مبدأ الإصلاح وعمليات التجميل التي قد تطال بعض المواد الدستورية والقانونية، لتعيث تهديماً بكل ما هو قائم وتكون بالتالي جسر عبور بين ماض مرفوض ومستقبل منشود. فهل يصلح البناء إن كانت عقلية المهندس رجعية ومعدات البناء صدئة ومهترئة؟

فمن المعلوم أن المضهدين، والمظلومين والجياع هم وقود الثورات، انما نار الثورة قد يلتهمهم إن كان خرير البطون الجائعة هو من يقود الثورة، فيما تتراجع مكانة المثقفين والمفكرين إلى الخطوط الخلفية فيصبح ما قاله الكاتب الألماني جورج بوشنر أن " من يقومون بثورة إلى منتصفها فقط، انما يحفرون قبورهم بأيديهم"، حقيقة حتمية.
فالعقل وحده القادر على إيصال الثورة إلى بر الأمان.
الثورة الفرنسية على سبيل المثال ولدت من رحم ثورة فكرية، فلسفية وعلمية أشعلت فتيلها كتابات "فلاسفة التنوير" التي بذرت بذور التغيير في نفوس المواطنين أولاً قبل أن تطال شظاياها قلاع الإستبداد.

فعلى مر عقود تكونت حالة ثورية في اوروبا ما لبست أن امتدت مفاعيلها قرقعة الزيت مع إنتشار المطابع، ما ساهم بتشكيل رأي عام إستفاد من إنتشار الصالونات الفكرية كال Procope حيث تتم المناقشات المعمقة حول أخر الإبداعات المسرحية والشعرية والسياسية بين فولتير وديدرو ومارمونتل....أو من خلال الأكاديميات ( Academie francaise 1634, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1663 ; Académie royale des sciences, 1666 ; Académie royale d'architecture, 1671), l'Académie royale de chirurgie (1731) et la Société royale de médecine (1776), والمكتبات العامة.
يستفاد مما تقدم أن مبادئ ومرتكزات الثورة الفرنسية كانت قد نضجت نظرياً في نفوس وعقل الشعب والمجتمع قبل أن تصبح موضع تطبيق فعلي.
أما ما شهده العالم العربي ولا يزال من ثورات على الأنظمة، وعلى العكس من الثورة الفرنسية ، يمكن وضعه في خانة التغيير الناتج عن الثورة اليتيمة فكرياً. فبدل أن يتحكم الثوار العرب بثوراتهم تحكمت بهم الثورة بكل ما فيها من فوضى وعشوائيات وتقلبات.

وما أشد دلالة عن السطحية التي تخبطت بها هذه الثورات سوى شعار " الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام " فيما غاب عن بالهم التساؤل والتفكير عن شكل النظام المقبل الذي يريدون...فانتصرت في الكثير من المواضع الثورة المضادة التي قطف ثمارها بقايا النظام بشقيه المدني والعسكري والانتهازيون كالإخوان المسلمين الذين حصدوا دون جهد يذكر ما زرعه المنتفضون من قوى شبابية ليبرالية ويسارية كما في تونس ومصر....

دون أن نغفل عن ذكر الأرقام المخيفة حول أعداد الأميين في العالم العربي. فوفق دراسة اعدتها المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم ( الأليسكو) بداية العام ٢٠١١ فإن أعداد الأميين في العالم العربي قد وصلت إلى ما بين ٦٠ و-٧٠ مليون أمي وأمية. أما تقديرات معهد اليونسكو للأمية بين الكبار لمجموعة مختارة من الدول العربية لعام ٢٠٠٠ فقد اشارت إلى أن معدل الأمية في مصر بين الكبار بلغ نسبة ٤٠% وفي تونس نسبة ٢٩٪ .

فمع هكذا واقع وهكذا أرقام مؤلمة يصبح من المشروع التساؤل إن كانت هاتان الدولتان العربيتان مثلاً قادرتان على إنتاج مجتمع مدني قادر وفعلي؟ وهل فعلاً أن صعود الإسلاميين ونجاحهم الكاسح مستغرب إلى هذه الدرجة وهم المستفيد الأول من إستبداد الأنظمة ومنع التعددية الحزبية مما أتاح لهم التغلغل في عمق المجتمع الذي بعد أن أغلق في وجهه أبواب العمل السياسي الحر لم يبقى له سوى الدين كملجأ؟

ففيما كان فلاسفة التنوير في اوروبا وفي مقدمتهم مونتسكيو يفيضون على الشعوب المقموعة بمفاهيم الحرية ودولة القانون والفصل بين السلطات والفصل بين الدين والدولة لم تجد الشعوب العربية أمامها سوى الفكر الديني الجاهز.

في النهاية، اثبتت لنا الثورات العربية أن الفيسبوك واليو تيوب على أهميتهم قد يشعلون ثورة ولكن لن يساهموا في انتصارها أبداً. فما زال شباب ميدان التحرير في مصر يتلهون بالفيسبوك ويتداعون إلى المظاهرات فيما سواهم تربع على الحكم.كم نحن بحاجة لفلاسفة تنوير.

رضا كميل صوايا - مجاز في العلوم السياسية من جامعة القديس يوسف

Thursday, February 9, 2012

NED, USAID, and Both International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) Agitate Citizen Activists....

NED, USAID, and Both International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) Agitate Citizen Activists....

[The real issue in Egypt and in all Arab Spring countries is the nature of US and Western "aid" coming in--It is being used to agitate an otherwise unmotivated national mass to take anti-government actions? Egyptian press reports even question whether Western NGOs are hiring protesters to lead national rallies. As to whether the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute are exceeding their mandate and actually fomenting revolution in Egypt or not--Well, they are promoting revolutionary democracy. Read the following two excerpts from the organizations' websites:

"NDI and its local partners work to promote openness and accountability in government by building political and civic organizations, safeguarding elections, and promoting citizen participation."

"IRI can help catalyze the efforts of democratic activists in a country -- so long as they want change more than we want it for them."

It sounds like both organizations have the same mission, to alter the electorate of the recipient countries into armies of citizen activists, who agitate their governments to copy Americanized ideas. One by one, governments around the world are becoming aware of the true meaning of American "foreign aid," that we package a little political poison into every dollars worth of aid given, so that we slowly trap those unfortunate souls who think that they are becoming "free." The Western agitators being detained in Egypt will definitely flee the harsh circumstances that await them, if given the chance--explaining why they are not allowed to travel. The legal technicality behind their detainment is the Egyptian government need to know what foreign NGOs are operating in country. It is not unreasonable at all, to ask that all foreign outfits working in-country register with the government. After all, it would be required if they came here, at a very minimum. Any such groups wanting to come here would probably have to petition for work visas a year before the fact.]

”The United States deeply about what happens to the non-governmental organizations in Egypt, and we believe that there is no basis for investigations into the activities of these organizations or raid and the confiscation of their property , be sure that there is no basis for the decision to ban its members from traveling.”

Egypt: Concerns of U.S. foreign activists referred to the judiciary...

Campaign on the non-governmental/CIA organizations in Egypt....
Warned the three members of the U.S. Senate from Egypt that the relations between the two terms thereof passes worst after that the Egyptian judiciary has decided to refer the 19 U.S. activists to trial.These defendants and falls within the list of 43 activists have been referred to the Criminal Court in the case of funding, “illegal” to civil associations active in Egypt.

Said Charles, without director of “Freedom House” The message sent by the authorities in Egypt have come to Washington.

The Egyptian judicial sources announced Sunday that “40 people, including Egyptians, American and other nationalities, were transferred to the Cairo Criminal Court in the case of the financing of NGOs,” adding that the travel ban is still imposed on the people of forty.

The source said that those placed on trial accused of “the establishment and operation of branches of international organizations in Egypt without obtaining the necessary legal permits from the Egyptian government, and also received illegal funding from foreign sources.”

Such a move could increase the tension that marred U.S. relations Egyptian after the storming of the security forces for many of the offices of NGOs, including organizations like the U.S., “International Republican Institute,” and “Democratic Institute National” and “Freedom House”, in December / December the past.

The Egyptian authorities have raided the headquarters of 17 organizations, local and international civil and confiscated computers and documents, said it is evidence for those organizations to external financing are “illegal.”

And alerted the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington might reconsider U.S. aid to Egypt in the event of continuing the crackdown on civil organizations.

Clinton said after meeting Saturday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr, on the sidelines of the Conference on Security in Munich, Germany, “I had the opportunity to express once again the concern of the United States strong in regards to what happens to the non-governmental organizations in Egypt, and we believe that there is no basis for investigations into the activities of those organizations or Dhmha and the confiscation of their property, be sure that there is no basis for the decision to ban its members from traveling. “

Clinton went on, saying: “We have been clear with regard to implications of which could result from such a position on the aspects of relations between Egypt and the United States all, we do not want that to happen.”

And reached Clinton to the peak of warnings when she said “We have worked hard together and over the years to arrange financial assistance and great support to the Egyptian economy and the reforms of democracy taking place in Egypt, and we certainly we will look closely when the time comes to check the feasibility of such assistance, so that we can decide how possibility T_khasns American aid money under the new conditions in Egypt. “

ActivistsNGO activists working in Egypt

He also held U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta telephoned his Egyptian counterpart Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the ruling military junta in Egypt, to urge him to expedite the abolition of the travel ban imposed on the defendants in the case of American foreign funding.

During the consultations taking place in Congress regarding U.S. military aid to Egypt did not find a senior member of the Senate’s critical that a government led by the military in Egypt that the days of “blank checks” are gone, as is the delegation of Egyptian military tough negotiations with the U.S. State Department about the future of U.S. military aid to Egypt, amounting to $ 1.2 billion annually.

Launched Senator Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Subcommittee is responsible for foreign aid in Congress, an attack Anivia the Macal that Egyptian campaign fierce groups and organizations defending human rights and democracy in Egypt funded by the U.S. government, and warned that Congress could stop all forms of U.S. aid to Egypt , unless you stop this behavior on the part of Cairo.

A clear message

Leahy said “We want to send a clear message to the Egyptian army that time of blank checks is over, yes, we appreciate the relationship between Egypt and the United States to Cairo and we will give a respectable amount of aid, but not unconditionally.”

And Leahy joins a growing number of members of Congress from both parties who have expressed their “outrage because of the Egyptian campaign on non-governmental organizations working in Egypt,” which amounted to prevent a number of active U.S. employees from leaving Cairo.

Leahy warned that the continuation of the Egyptian government in the “offensive” to non-governmental organizations will be unable to provide Cairo papers all entitlement to assistance.

He said that the Cairo to allow those organizations to re-open its doors and return property confiscated by and stop the ongoing investigations in the activities of human rights organizations operating in Egypt and work on the registration of such organizations, without limitation or qualification.

He expressed the hope that the Egyptian authorities estimate the seriousness of its position and the implications of risk, and in reference to U.S. aid to Egypt by $ 1.3 billion a year.

And drew more than forty members of Congress a letter Friday to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, as well as Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the ruling military junta in Egypt, Tihdhirounam where the U.S. aid to Egypt now hangs on a tightrope between grants and prevention.

The rhetoric in the U.S. House of Representatives that the absence of any clear resolution and satisfactory in that case would be to weaken the position of MPs who support the continuation of the strong relations between the United States, Egypt and discredit their argument to claim down U.S. aid to Cairo.

Egyptian military delegation

Field Marshal TantawiField Marshal Tantawi seeks to resume military aid to Egypt

At the same time received a number of senior U.S. State Department over on Thursday and Friday with a delegation from the Egyptian army to discuss the U.S. position on the crisis of non-governmental organizations in Egypt, as well as the new requirements imposed by Congress on the U.S. administration regarding military aid to Egypt.

Under those conditions compel the Secretary of State acknowledge that the ruling military authorities in Egypt are already taking real steps towards the country’s transition to democracy, and that before agreeing to provide any new aid.

A spokesman for the U.S. State Department Mark Toner, explaining how to provide aid to Egypt, said that this is done through the process of negotiating a long and continuous with the Congress, as “we make it clear to the Egyptians it clear that Congress put pressure on us to reduce aid and make it more tightly to the conditions.”

The Toner U.S. officials, led by Jeffrey Feltman, Assistant Secretary of State, have called Cairo repeatedly to allow U.S. citizens working in the non-governmental organizations in Cairo to leave Egypt and the abolition of travel restrictions all, which imposed on them by the Attorney General of Egypt in the framework of investigations with what is known to foreign funding for NGOs and non-governmental organizations in Egypt.

Egyptian justifications

The campaign was the Egyptian non-governmental organizations in Egypt, among which was the National Democratic Institute of the U.S., has led to more tension in Egyptian-American relations since the overthrow of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak last year.

The ruling military junta has been in Egypt on charges he says that “foreign hands masterminding the violence to destabilize Egypt,” after the revolution of the twenty-fifth of January last year.

The Egyptians say that the campaign is part of the extensive investigations in the case of foreign funding for NGOs operating in Egypt, and whether the activity of such associations contribute to the increase in the case of the current tension in the Egyptian society.

But activists in civil society organizations say that the military authorities ordered the implementation of the campaign to terrorize activists who were in the vanguard of the revolution’s anti-Hosni Mubarak, who are now demanding to hand over power in Egypt points to a civilian and as soon as possible.

The judicial authorities in Egypt have issued a ban on travel of a number of U.S. officials working in the civil society organizations that are related to remote major U.S. political parties.

He had a number of these, including the son of the Minister of Transportation Ray LaHood U.S., to take refuge in the U.S. embassy in Cairo....

Monday, January 9, 2012

Santorum and The Israel Project: tied at the hips and lips....

Santorum and The Israel Project: tied at the hips and lips....Santorum a product of College Republican "traditional" gay values....

January , 2012 -- Santorum's extremist foreign policy team...

The so-called "surging" GOP presidential candidate, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who was crushed in his 2006 re-election bid as senator by 17 percentage points, has surrounded himself with some of the most pro-Israeli war hawk foreign policy advisers. According to a retired State Department official who spoke to us, Santorum's chief foreign policy advisers are arch-neocons Richard Perle and Michael Ledeen....

Santorum has also been active as a board member for The Israel Project, a pro-Israeli non-profit pressure group, which also counts GOP pollster Frank Luntz among its more active supporters. The Israel Project was founded by Luntz's pal Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, a frequent visitor to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and Israeli ambassador Michael Oren in Washington. Luntz wrote The Israel Project's "Hasbara Handbook," a playbook used by every pro-Israeli supporter in their interactions with the Zioconned mass media....

Santorum's and Luntz's comradeship in The Israel Project may well explain why Santorum has "surged" from last to second and third place in many recent polls. The Israel Lobby's control of the Zioconned U.S. corporate media and Luntz's over-arching influence in organizing GOP "focus groups" used by many Zioconned pollsters calls into question the authenticty and veracity of every poll that has shown Santorum's leap frogging the other Republican candidates, including the current bête noire of the pro-Israeli crowd, Ron Paul.

Santorum has also been close to Ledeen's wife, Barnara Ledeen, another officer of The Israel Project. Santorum and Barbara Ledeen looked after Israel's interests in the Senate when Mrs. Ledeen was director of strategic communications for the Zioconned
Senate Republican Conference.

Santorum has also counted Israeli expansionist Natan Sharansky as one of his closest advisers on Middle East issues. In addition, Santorum also relies on the arch-Zionist and Islamophobe Daniel Pipes, head of the Middle East Forum of Philadelphia, as one of his closest foreign policy advisers. Pipes, along with fellow traveler Steven Emerson, has been pushing the false propaganda that Iran has backed "Al-Qaeda" in launching terrorist attacks against the United States. Before the attack was proven to be the work of a right-wing terrorist network, the Pipes-Emerson disinformation duo also pushed the false line that Arab terrorists blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

The Israel Project's senior adviser and spokesperson is the ubiquitous defender of foreign dictatorships Lanny Davis, recently named as counsel for Penn State in the pedophile scandal that has surrounded Penn State football and one-time assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. In what is likely not a coincidence, Santorum honored Sandusky in 2002 with the "Angels in Adoption" award.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Much of the Israeli psych is due to the shoah; "a fate unequaled".....

Much of the Israeli psych is due to the shoah; "a fate unequaled".....

Much of the Israeli psych is due to the shoah. They consider it the greatest tragedy to befall a people, ever. About half the Jewish population in the world was killed, a fate unequaled. Aside from the appropriateness of this conclusion, it is one deeply embedded in Jewish Israelis. What, you might ask, does this have to do with WP? I have relatives in both the IDF and IAF and there is an attitude prevalent that anything we do to the Palestinians is not anywhere near as bad as was done to us. Consequently, bombing the civilian apartment blocks in South Beirut, far from any military action, was acceptable. Killing only 1500 Palestinians in Gaza is a drop in the bucket compared with what was done to us.

Consequently, whatever brutality we visit upon the Palestinians is acceptably minor in comparison. I have a nephew who is a Golani captain and his orders in Gaza City during Cast Lead was under NO CIRCUMSTANCES let one of his men be captured, either dead or alive. Anything else is okay. He ordered tank fire on apartments if he saw any movement in windows with no consideration if that movement was civilian. His men would take over housing to place snipers on the top floor and keep the civilians inside to deter counter fire from Hamas. Its ironic that it was felt that Hamas would be reluctant to fire on civilian buildings, the IDF was not so deterred. Vaclav Linek - my current thinking is that the IDF launched another Cast Lead, Egypt would stay out of any direct action but the flow of weapons through the tunnels would increase. I suspect some Egyptian soldiers would defect and bring themselves and equipment to the fight. Another Cast Lead will cause Egypt to annul the treaty with Israel. JD Ledell

I believe that the ghetto thinking of Israel will be it's downfall. It's becoming more and more insulated from the world. In addition to the wall they are building on the Egyptian border they are going to start building a wall in the Jordanian border. They have already talked about starting a wall on Lebanese border. It won't be long before Israel is surrounded by walls and the sea and this physical manifestation of blocking out the world will continue to change the Israeli culture to it's ultimate detriment.
This review is by Joshua Hammer and is of Gershom Goren's new book "The Unmaking of Israel". In the review, Hammer highlights and explores Goren's thesis that the tension that has marked Israel since its founding, tension that was exemplified in the different visions of Ben-Gurion and Begin, has now reached a point where Ben-Gurion's has lost so much ground that Begin's violent maximalist view, fused with ultra-nationalist and ultra-devout religion among the settlers and cross-pollinated into the IDF, has brought Israel to a breaking point. The review is very well done...:

What has always struck me about: "Killing only 1500 Palestinians in Gaza, or about 40.000 in Lebanon over the years between 1969 and 2000, and again more than 1400 in 2006, is a drop in the bucket compared with what was done to us."

The Palestinians didn't do that to the Jews. The Nazis did, and their collaborators, and if Palestinians had any part in it all, were really the least among the culprits. I have never understood the logic of this.

It's like a crime victim claiming absolute privilege to harm others because of what was done to him - lest it happens again! - from the time of the crime onwards, and towards anyone, responsible or not.

The holocaust isn't a blank cheque, a license to do whatever Israel sees stealing land from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians with untold wars and miseries over 7 decades.... Without the holocaust looming, much of Israel's conduct would probably be unpalatable to even many of the Israelis themselves....

In the end, the one thing they have achieved is to empower themselves from victim to victimizer. However, they have never 'gotten over it'.

Ironically, getting over having lost is precisely what they expect the Palestinians to do, and to their chagrin, these stubborn people refuse it, even after having been beaten down time and time again. Clearly the only way to make them understand is to beat them some more....

I'm sorry but using the Shoa as a reason, I find as nothing more than 'excuse making', and history shows no matter what culture/religion/race/etc. that has used 'excuse making' for their abhorrent behavior, has never and will never work in the eyes of humanity.

Israel by its actions is a modern day Nazi state complete with Nazi 'sub-human' dealings with others around them. Shoa is no reason, and cannot be used as their psyche reason excuse-making. Israel is a barbaric state run by barbarians who only value their lives and the rest of us humans are dust to be swept under their rugs as far as they are concerned. When and only when the Israelis and their supporters start owning up and calling a spade a spade, that they are acting like blood-thirsty Nazis like what they are doing is on par/identical with what the SS and Gestapo did, then and only then when they become adult and own up for their crimes and stop their criminal behavior, then the rest of us humans will be willing to listen and work with them. Until then, Israel needs to be dealt with for their Nazi-like behavior, smacked down hard for it with no pity afforded them.

Israel wants pity, then they need to start acting like caring humans again, instead of like Nazi SS boots....