Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egyptian Military, a History of Manipulations....

أن أسوأ ما في مصر سعى إلى محاولة قتل أنبل ما فيها
إن الأمة مدينة لأولئك الشبان الذين أعتبرهم أجمل وأنبل من أنجبتهم مصر، لأنهم بثورتهم ردوا إليّ أملا غاب وراء السحب الداكنة التي تكاثرت في سماء مصر. وشاءت المقادير أن أعيش لحظة انقشاع تلك السحب وبزوغ شمس ذلك الأمل الذي ملأ أرض مصر كلها بضياء ودفء افتقدته طوال العقود الأربعة الأخيرة

US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen is greeted by Egyptian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Sami Enan in Cairo on 14 February 2010.... Mullen was on a week-long tour of the region....
Amr Moussa and the MOSSAD Marwan....

Ashraf Marwan was Sadat's chief of staff.

In 2002, the London-based Israeli historian Ahron Bregman alleged that Marwan was Israel's "master spy" in Cairo.

Reportedly, Marwan may have been a double agent. (Urban Dictionary: Ashraf Marwan)

The book "The Angel: Ashraf Marwan, the Mossad and the Surprise of the Yom Kippur War," (2010) by Uri Bar Yosef, a political scientist at the University of Haifa, claims Marwan was not a double agent and was, in fact, only spying for Israel.

Marwan's son is married to Hania Moussa, daughter of Amr Moussa.

Amr Moussa hopes to become President of Egypt.

Egyptian Military, a History of Manipulations....
Freedom House, NED, Soros/CIA NGO's, MOSSAD, MI6 convoluted Color Revolutions...?

معلومات جاءت على لسان ناشطة مصرية على موقع فيسبوك أطلق عليها المحاورون اسم شيماء وتم التعتيم على ملامحها حيث أكدت أنها تلقت تدريبات على يد أخصائيين من إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لقلب نظام الحكم في مصر وبتمويل من منظمة فريدوم هاوس التي يقع مقرها في واشنطن. وأكدت "شيماء" أنها تلقت مع زملائها تدريبات وكانت تحصل على راتب يومي يقدر بخمسين دولاراً أمريكياً إبان التدريب ناهيك عن مبلغ دولار أمريكي عند العودة إلى مصر ... وعبرت عن خوفها على حياتها لأنها كشفت زملاءها فى حركة شباب 6 أبريل وفضحت أجندتهم وتطلعاتهم فى تخريب البلد مؤكدة أن ما يحدث فى ميدان التحرير وحدث من قبل في كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية هو مخطط يهودي إسرائيلي يهدف لتدمير البلاد

1. It would appear that the Egyptian military is taking its orders from Washington and Tel Aviv....

The military's "displays of support for the protesters were conspicuous throughout the capital.

"In the most striking example, four armored military vehicles moved at the front of a crowd of thousands of protesters in a pitched battle against the Egyptian security police defending the Interior Ministry." (
Egyptian Military Does Little to Quash Protests)

The Egyptian army chief of staff General Sami Enan has been meeting U.S. defense officials in Washington. (US BACKS EGYPTIAN COUP)

Cairo by daniel.gene

When the CIA toppled Indonesia's Suharto it had the support of the key American-trained generals. (aangirfan: STAGED BY SPOOKS: FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL, ORANGE ... )

These Indonesian generals got their soldiers to dress up as students in order to carry out the rioting; the military transported criminal gangs into Jakarta; youths were paid to act as rioters.

When the May 1998 Jakarta riots took place, the uniformed military were invisible.

The tanks only appeared after the president had been fatally weakened.

Egyptians by agoork

2. Parts of Egypt are peaceful.

The organisers of the riots have concentrated on a relatively few key spots.

"The situation in the Red Sea resorts remain(s) calm."

Similarly, in Jakarta in May 1998, the military only had the resources to organise rioting in a few key areas of the city. (

Nubian Kid on Donkey
Egypt by upyernoz

On 29 January 2011, Hamad Subani wrote: "Tunisia & Egypt: Manufactured Crisis? "

Hamad Subani looks at some history:

1. During World War I, it was the British who organised the Arab revolts.

The British did this in order to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which controlled most of the Middle East.

(This Turkish empire included Palestine and oil rich Iraq, both of which certain British leaders wanted to control.)

The Western powers decided which families were to be the nominal rulers of the Arab countries.

"The rulers of Jordan now exclusively marry into Western ruling elite. Libya has ... close secret ties with the British ruling elite."

(There is a suggestion of a link to Lockerbie -
Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis? )

3. The present unrest "is very region-specific.

"It does not seem to be spreading to places ... which are already under the thumb of the Powers That Be."

4. "There is the case of German/Swedish snipers/hunters being caught in Tunisia."

5. "The Western media appears to be magnifying the crisis."

Midan Salah ad-Din Kids
Egyptians by upyernoz

6. "Mohamed ElBaradei is already being touted as a new leader for Egypt....

"ElBaradei is a trustee of the International Crisis Group.

"Another board member of this group is Zbigniew Brzezinski.

"George Soros/CIA/MI6 sits on the executive committee."

Beautiful Alexandria.
Alexandria by ayman6681

7. The Iranian Revolution of 1970 was "on the lines of an Islamicized French Revolution (mob rule, executions, secret courts, destruction and displacement of the former ruling class etc.)

"The revolutionaries managed to create a powerful police state that now spearheads the clash of civilizations rhetoric prescribed by the Powers That Be.

"The secret ties of the Western ruling elite with some of the revolutionaries has been documented."

Little did Mossadegh and the Shah know that "the Powers That Be saw them only as temporary placeholders until Iran was consolidated under a new regime that was to play a critical role in advancing the 'Clash of Civilizations' agenda."

Reza Shah "turned over the police, intelligence and economic affairs of his country to his Western 'friends' who promptly set out to use them to create the conditions necessary for the revolution..." (See also:
aangirfan: The Shah of Iran was toppled by the CIA and MI6?)

Cairo boy
Cairo by nadeem_london

8. In 1970, 'an opportunist', Anwar Sadat, became President of Egypt.

In 1977, Sadat 'naively' opened up Egypt’s economy to the West.

"The World Bank moved in, insisting that he remove subsidies on food...

"What followed were the Bread Riots in which 800 Egyptians were killed and Sadat was almost overthrown..."

Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by the MB/CIA....

"There were certain secretive and shadowy elements who coordinated the assassination..."

Fox News map - Freudian slip

Egypt may be the new Iraq?

Iraq now has high unemployment, intense poverty and widespread corruption.

Iraq lacks basic services and security.

Bombings continue to kill people.

On 29 January 29 2011,
Anthony Wile explained the Elite Desperation Over Failing Middle East Psyops

"The UK Telegraph ... claims that the United States leadership not only secretly backed the current uprisings in Egypt, it was actively aiding and abetting the protesters....

Anglo-American power elite has apparently decided to destabilize the Middle East in order to create regulatory democracies with an Islamic tinge (an arrogant assumption in my view).

"The ultimate goal is to buttress the war on terror and deliver enhanced authoritarianism to the West – and the Western middle classes that are always the targets of the elite.

"But as usual, the Internet has apparently upset elite plans.

"How does one run a 'black ops' of this magnitude while being exposed in real time?

"... Yes, it seems to me that
with plans exposed, Western elites may have decided to take credit for the Middle Eastern uprisings."


Local Boys
Egypt by kimhino. Don't believe the mainstream media.

On 30 January 2011 we learn that
Israel is denying reports of Israeli commandoes in Cairo to help topple Mubarak

Israel sees Egyptian people as its main Arab enemy.... (WHAT THE USA AND ISRAEL REALLY THINK ABOUT EGYPT)

The Iranian media has reported that Israeli secret agents and Commandos are among the protesters and that they are deliberately creating riots and preventing the city from returning to order.

Egypt's Vice-President OMAR Suleiman is working for Israel and DIA/CIA....

For the last couple of days the Al Jazeera live stream and Livestation have been overloaded with traffic and at least from my end virtually impossible to watch. I found this morning that the Dailymotion Al Jazerera feed is working fine so that may be an option if you're having problems.

I don't know the words to use but the Egyptian protests are exciting to put it mildly. The question remains will this be a revolution where the will of the masses prevail or end up as just a continuation of the U.S. and Israel's desire to divide the middle east and northern Africa into more easily manageable parts.

My feelings on this are best summed up :
"We should be skeptical. There might be two revolutions here. One merely a consolidation of power, and the second genuine. People around the world want to throw off their corrupt governments. I know I do. Our government no longer pretends to operate Constitutionally or uphold the law for all. Yet politics around the world keep providing these fake change moments - like our last election. It let's off just enough steam to appease, or confuse, the people so that no real change comes about."

One important thing to remember is that no matter how the U.S. administration, the CIA and other intelligence services are working to influence the ultimate outcome in Egypt, they are not omnipotent. They have money and power and allies but they are only human. The outcome of their agenda is in doubt. The people can have the power if they can just learn how to use it and see through the lies they are being fed. It requires taking chances.

Hillary Clinton seems to now be the mouthpiece of U.S. policy but has been speaking out of both sides of her mouth. Democracy is an Orwellian term when it comes from her globalist zio puppet tongue. As much as she tries to hide it, she is worried that the house of glass is going to break.

Hats off to the real Egyptians. Americans may one day take this page in history and learn from it.

Also see: Twelfth Bough ... Les Visible ... Facts Not Fairies ... Greg Bacon ... American Everyman ... WRH ... and others on the blog roll for viewpoints on what is happening. It is interesting times indeed....


Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

The Federal Reserve as an Instrument of War

The case of the church made of Muslim bones

Ten Best Conspiracy Websites


What does Israel really think about Egypt?

We suspect that Israel/USA want Egypt to be more fundamentalist, feudal, backward, weak and easy to control....

That should not be too difficult.

According to the Pew Research Center, Washington:

82% of Egyptian Moslems support the stoning of adulterers.

77% support amputations and whipping of thieves.

84% support the death sentence for apostasy.

Once Mubarak is toppled by the CIA-Mossad-NATO, Israel may again find an excuse to invade Egypt. Israel wants to control the Nile and the Suez Canal.

2. Does Israel want us to think it is frightened of the CIA's Muslim Brotherhood?

On 1 February 2011, Time magazine reports that "
As the Egypt's Crisis Grows, So Do the Anxieties in Israel"

"Shlomo Avnieri, a political scientist at Hebrew University... describes two possibilities:

"military rule, with or without Mubarak as figurehead,

"or 'chaos and disintegration' that ends with rule by Islamists and nationalists descended from Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's second President.

"Israelis most dread the ascent of the Muslim Brotherhood (who are linked to the Masons, MI6 and the CIA - )....

"'What will not come to pass is ... a democratic neighbor, because democracies don't appear overnight,' Avnieri tells TIME...

" U.S. diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks/CIA last year included diplomats' complaints that the Egyptian military continued to regard Israel as its principal enemy and prepared for war in the Sinai Desert, which lies between them."

3. Israel wants good relations with all its neighbors?

Think of Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey...

Egypt crisis: Israel faces danger in every direction

A comment on the above story at the UK Telegraph:

"Why murder Mabhouh in Dubai? Why murder Elie Hobeika in Lebanon....? Why murder those nuclear scientists in Iran?

"...You murdered those Turkish activists on the Mavi Marmara..."

A Friendly Smile In Cairo
Cairo by El-Branden Brazil

4. What is the Israeli attitude to fundamentalist Islamic countries like Iran?

Israel supplied the Ayatollahs with weapons...and has a close understanding with the Alawite Dictators of Syria spanning over 40 years.....

Trita Parsi:[2]

Arms sales to Iran totaled an estimated $500 million from 1980 to 1983 according to the Jaffee Institute for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University.

"According to Ahmad Haidari, "an Iranian arms dealer working for the Khomeini regime, roughly 80% of the weaponry bought by Tehran" immediately after the onset of the war originated in Israel.

Arms shipments from the U.S. to Iran in the
Iran-Contra Affair were facilitated by Israel.

Israel is reported to have supplied instructors and non-armaments help to Iran for the war effort.

Israel kept Iranian planes flying in spite of a lack of spares; and Israeli instructors taught Iranian commanders how to handle troops.

There were never less than about a 100 Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran; they remained there even after the ceasefire.

Recently declassified Pentagon documents reveal the 1980s operation called 'Tipped Kettle,' in which weapons stolen by Israel from the PLO in Lebanon were transferred to the Contras and to anti-American elements in Iran.

The truth about Israel, Iran and 1980s U.S. arms deals - Haaretz ...)

El Caire, Egipte.
Cairo by

5. On 1 February 2011, Winter Patriot ( puts the Egyptian Revolution in Context

Among the points made:

1. Israel wants three things to come out of this conflict-

A pipeline transporting water from the Nile to Israel for their swimming pools.

Control of the Suez Canal, as it is a choke point for trade between Europe and Asia (read China) and

The break up of Egypt to remove it as a military force and as an economic ally of China

2. The Zionists want a land stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

3. Mubarak recently stated outright that no Egyptian water would be delivered to Israel.

4. The Israel was involved in the coup in Tunisia. Events in Tunisia increased pressure on Mubarak.

5. There already exists a pipeline delivering water from the Nile to Al Arish in the Sinai, forty kms from the Israeli border.

There is the possibility of a future Israeli invasion into Sinai and onto the Suez Canal.

Egypt by
Joey Harrison

6. Israel intends to plant itself in the middle of the oil trade routes.

The pipelines to the ports of Haifa and Eilat together with the Suez canal are critical control points to choke off oil to China in the event of war.

7. The US and Israel are currently causing trouble for Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and now Egypt.

All these countries adjoin the strategic sea route of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Other countries on the Red Sea are Saudi Arabia, Eritrea and Djibouti. Can they expect the same? I think so.

8. In Egypt, the protesters are being set up as patsies.

The new "extreme" government will provide a cassus belli for war with Israel who will plead 'self defence', as they always do.

The resulting war and internal civil strife for Egypt will lead to it being broken up into at least two countries, Upper and Lower Egypt and weakening and impoverishing it in the process.

Old Egypt

9. The US, the UK through NATO together with Israel are past masters at Balkanizing countries that have strategic importance to them.

The process impoverishes these countries through weakening their ability to resist the criminal trade in drugs and humans (incl body parts) that NATO sponsors.

Kosovo, for instance, is far worse off now than it ever was. As is every single country that has seen military intervention from the great liberators, US and NATO and the budding colonialists, Israel.

This fate awaits the people of Egypt. They will cease to be a military threat of any kind.

10. However the Globalists have had their failures.

They have failed to maintain control over Russia with the rise of Vladimir Putin. They failed in their invasion of Lebanon in 2006.

They have failed to overthrow and retake the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959

Some bloggers believe the Egyptian revolt has not been long planned by the CIA-Mossad-NATO.

These are the sort of people who cheered for Obama before he got elected.

These are the sort of people who have never heard of Allen Lawrence Pope and Operation Haik

Mubarak is very rich, but so is Dick Cheney.

And let's not forget $1.3 TRILLION dollar tax gift to the richest 43,000 multi-millionaires/billionaires in the U.S.A.

Some figures (Egypt.):

1. Between 1980 and 2007 Egypt’s Human Development Index (HDI) rose 42%.

2. Egypt’s average annual HDI growth was 10th fastest worldwide and almost double the global average.

3. Between 2005 & 2008 Poverty, as defined by those living under $2/day, fell over 11%

4. Only 16% of the population now live on less than $2 per day.

5. The Gini Index, the international measure of wealth inequality, fell 7% between 1999 & 2007.

6. The share of the poorest 10% in national income rose 5% and the share of richest 10% fell 6% in the same period.

The ratio of the wealth of the richest to the poorest 10% also fell 10%....

Deliberate disinformation – these US soft power regime change ops are carried out under aegis of US state dept/ USAID/NED via their trusty ‘democracy-human rights’Soros NGOs in collaboration with social network ‘strategic information’ warfare:

More soon at, for now these shed light:

US State Department Chooses April 6th Movement To Take Part In Anti-Extremism Conference

Egypt protests: secret US document discloses support for protesters

. 28 Jan 2011

Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Europe...?

1st, the story that appeared in the Telegraph is almost certain to be disinformation psyops designed to confuse the protesters....and the rulers alike...with CIA/Wikileaks.... Why There was no such Telegraph story during the Green revolt in Iran, which most certainly was western/Israeli backed....?

2nd, why not simply allow Mubarak to transition quietly to his son? HE would have been totally subservient to US interests. It's hard to imagine they will get a more compliant puppet out of this uprising.

3rd, the deer in the headlights look on the faces of US officials look way too authentic. These guys look like they have no idea what hit them or what to do about it.

4th the clumsy attempt to put Omar Suleiman in power looks like its falling on its face already. EVERYBODY in Egypt knows this clown is foreign agent. Mubarak might as well cut out the middleman and appoint the Mossad chief as VP.

5th Most important of all is the fear in the public is gone. The internal security apparatus got its ass kicked by an angry crowd. There is no turning back from that. And without that fear, it doesn't matter who is president. He will not be able to scare the public into submission.

This is all about trying to preserve the aura of the US, the sense that it controls everything when in fact its loosing control by the day....

Omar Suleiman is an American/Israeli agent, responsible for the genocide in Gaza and the rendition of thousands of innocent Muslims all over the Middle East, Europe and North America since 2000... Suleiman will split up Egypt (Sinai, and East bank of the Nile) and launch a war against Islam by targeting and killing Muslim political dissidents on behalf of USA and Israel, that's his job since he was appointed in the Mubarak regime 25 years ago....
However, as they say, the smartest thief inevitably leaves an evidence that would eventually lead to his/her capture. By the same token, we can only hope that those who are manipulating the world all over will eventually make an error leading to their eventual demise!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Giant weapons maker becomes Big Brother...

Giant weapons maker becomes Big Brother...
By William D Hartung

Have you noticed that Lockheed Martin, the giant weapons corporation, is shadowing you? No? Then you haven't been paying much attention. Let me put it this way: If you have a life, Lockheed Martin is likely a part of it.

True, Lockheed Martin doesn't actually run the United States government, but sometimes it seems as if it might as well. After all, it received US$36 billion in government contracts in 2008 alone, more than any company in history. It now does work for more than two dozen government agencies from the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy to the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency.

It's involved in surveillance and information processing for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Pentagon, the Census Bureau, and the Postal Service.

Oh, and Lockheed Martin has even helped train those friendly Transportation Security Administration agents who pat you down at the airport. Naturally, the company produces cluster bombs, designs nuclear weapons, and makes the F-35 Lightning (an overpriced, behind-schedule, underperforming combat aircraft that is slated to be bought by customers in more than a dozen countries) - and when it comes to weaponry, that's just the start of a long list.

In recent times, though, it's moved beyond anything usually associated with a weapons corporation and has been virtually running its own foreign policy, doing everything from hiring interrogators for US overseas prisons (including at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and Abu Ghraib in Iraq) to managing a private intelligence network in Pakistan and helping write the Afghan constitution.

A for-profit government-in-the-making
If you want to feel a tad more intimidated, consider Lockheed Martin's sheer size for a moment. After all, the company receives one of every 14 dollars doled out by the Pentagon. In fact, its government contracts, thought about another way, amount to a "Lockheed Martin tax" of $260 per taxpaying household in the United States, and no weapons contractor has more power or money to wield to defend its turf.

It spent $12 million on congressional lobbying and campaign contributions in 2009 alone. Not surprisingly, it's the top contributor to the incoming House Armed Services Committee chairman, Republican Howard P "Buck" McKeon of California, giving more than $50,000 in the most recent election cycle. It also tops the list of donors to Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye, the powerful chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the self-described "number one earmarks guy in the US Congress".

Add to all that its 140,000 employees and its claim to have facilities in 46 states, and the scale of its clout starts to become clearer. While the bulk of its influence-peddling activities may be perfectly legal, the company also has quite a track record when it comes skirting with the law: it ranks number one on the "contractor misconduct" database maintained by the Project on Government Oversight, a Washington DC-based watchdog group.

How in the world did Lockheed Martin become more than just a military contractor? Its first significant foray outside the world of weaponry came in the early 1990s when plain old Lockheed (not yet merged with Martin Marietta) bought Datacom Inc, a company specializing in providing services for state and city governments, and turned it into the foundation for a new business unit called Lockheed Information Management Services (IMS).

In turn, IMS managed to win contracts in 44 states and several foreign countries for tasks ranging from collecting parking fines and tolls to tracking down "deadbeat dads" and running "welfare to work" job-training programs. The result was a number of high-profile failures, but hey, you can't do everything right, can you?

Under pressure from Wall Street to concentrate on its core business - implements of destruction - Lockheed Martin sold IMS in 2001. By then, however, it had developed a taste for non-weapons work, especially when it came to data collection and processing. So it turned to the federal government where it promptly racked up deals with the IRS, the Census Bureau and the US Postal Service, among other agencies.

As a result, Lockheed Martin is now involved in nearly every interaction you have with the government. Paying your taxes? Lockheed Martin is all over it. The company is even creating a system that provides comprehensive data on every contact taxpayers have with the IRS from phone calls to face-to-face meetings.

Want to stand up and be counted by the US Census? Lockheed Martin will take care of it. The company runs three centers - in Baltimore, Phoenix and Jeffersonville, Indiana - that processed up to 18 tractor-trailers full of mail per day at the height of the 2010 census count. For $500 million it is developing the Decennial Response Information Service (DRIS), which will collect and analyze information gathered from any source, from phone calls or the Internet to personal visits. According to Preston Waite, associate director of the Census, the DRIS will be a "big catch net, catching all the data that comes in no matter where it comes from".

Need to get a package across the country? Lockheed Martin cameras will scan bar codes and recognize addresses, so your package can be sorted "without human intervention", as the company's website puts it.

Plan on committing a crime? Think twice. Lockheed Martin is in charge of the FBI's Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), a database of 55 million sets of fingerprints. The company also produces biometric identification devices that will know who you are by scanning your iris, recognizing your face, or coming up with novel ways of collecting your fingerprints or DNA.

As the company likes to say, it's in the business of making everyone's lives (and so personal data) an "open book", which is of great benefit to us all. "Thanks to biometric technology," the company proclaims, "people don't have to worry about forgetting a password or bringing multiple forms of identification. Things just got a little easier."

Are you a New York City resident concerned about a "suspicious package" finding its way onto the subway platform? Lockheed Martin tried to do something about that, too, thanks to a contract from the city's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to install 3,000 security cameras and motion sensors that would spot such packages, as well as the people carrying them, and notify the authorities. Only problem: the cameras didn't work as advertised and the MTA axed Lockheed Martin and cancelled the $212 million contract.

Collecting intelligence on you
If it seems a little creepy to you that the same company making ballistic missiles is also processing your taxes, accessing your fingerprints, scanning your packages, ensuring that it's easier than ever to collect your DNA, and counting you for the census, rest assured: Lockheed Martin's interest in getting inside your private life via intelligence collection and surveillance has remained remarkably undiminished in the 21st century.

Tim Shorrock, author of the seminal book Spies for Hire, has described Lockheed Martin as "the largest defense contractor and private intelligence force in the world". As far back as 2002, the company plunged into the "Total Information Awareness" (TIA) program that was former National Security Advisor Admiral John Poindexter's pet project. A giant database to collect telephone numbers, credit cards, and reams of other personal data from US citizens in the name of fighting terrorism, the program was de-funded by congress the following year, but concerns remain that the National Security Agency is now running a similar secret program.

In the meantime, since at least 2004, Lockheed Martin has been involved in the Pentagon's Counter-Intelligence Field Activity (CIFA), which collected personal data on American citizens for storage in a database known as "Threat and Local Observation Notice" (and far more dramatically by the acronym TALON).

While congress shut down the domestic spying aspect of the program in 2007 (assuming, that is, that the Pentagon followed orders), CIFA itself continues to operate.

In 2005, Washington Post military and intelligence expert William Arkin revealed that, while the database was theoretically being used to track anyone suspected of terrorism, drug trafficking or espionage, "some military gumshoe or overzealous commander just has to decide someone is a 'threat to the military' " for it to be brought into play. Among the "threatening" citizens actually tracked by CIFA were members of anti-war groups. As part of its role in CIFA, Lockheed Martin was not only monitoring intelligence, but also "estimating future threats". (Not exactly inconvenient for a giant weapons outfit that might see antiwar activism as a threat.)

Lockheed Martin is also intimately bound up in the workings of the National Security Agency, America's largest spy outfit. In addition to producing spy satellites for the NSA, the company is in charge of "Project Groundbreaker", a $5 billion, 10-year effort to upgrade the agency's internal telephone and computer networks.

While Lockheed Martin may well be watching you at home - it's my personal nominee for 21st century "Big Brother" - it has also been involved in questionable activities abroad that go well beyond supplying weapons to regions in conflict.

There were those interrogators it recruited for America's offshore prison system from Guantanamo Bay to Afghanistan (and the charges of abuses that so naturally went with them), but the real scandal the company has been embroiled in involves overseeing an assassination program in Pakistan.

Initially, it was billed as an information-gathering operation using private companies to generate data the CIA and other US intelligence agencies allegedly could not get on their own. Instead, the companies turned out to be supplying targeting information used by US Army Special Forces troops to locate and kill suspected Taliban leaders.

The private firms involved were managed by Lockheed Martin under a $22 million contract from the US Army. As Mark Mazetti of the New York Times has reported, there were just two small problems with the effort: "The American military is largely prohibited from operating in Pakistan. And under Pentagon rules, the army is not allowed to hire contractors for spying."

Much as in the Iran/Contra scandal of the 1980s, when Oliver North set up a network of shell companies to evade the laws against arming right-wing paramilitaries in Nicaragua, the army used Lockheed Martin to do an end run around rules limiting US military and intelligence activities in Pakistan. It should not, then, be too surprising that one of the people involved in the Lockheed-Martin-managed network was Duane "Dewey" Claridge, an ex-CIA man who had once been knee-deep in the Iran/Contra affair.

A 21st century big brother
There has also been a softer side to Lockheed Martin's foreign policy efforts. It has involved contracts for services that range from recruiting election monitors for Bosnia and Ukraine and attempting to reform Liberia's justice system to providing personnel involved in drafting the Afghan constitution.

Most of these projects have been carried out by the company's PAE unit, the successor to a formerly independent firm, Pacific Architects and Engineers, that made its fortune building and maintaining military bases during the Vietnam War.

However, the "soft power" side of Lockheed Martin's operations (as described on its website) may soon diminish substantially as the company has put PAE up for sale. Still, the revenues garnered from these activities will undoubtedly be more than offset by a new $5 billion, multi-year contract awarded by the US Army to provide logistics support for US Special Forces in dozens of countries.

Consider all this but a Lockheed Martin precis. A full accounting of its "shadow government" would fill volumes. After all, it's the number-one contractor not only for the Pentagon, but also for the Department of Energy. It ranks number two for the Department of State, number three for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and number four for the Departments of Justice and Housing and Urban Development.

Even listing the government and quasi-governmental agencies the company has contracts with is a daunting task, but here's just a partial run-down: the Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Land Management, the Census Bureau, the Coast Guard, the Department of Defense (including the army, the navy, the marines, the air force and the Missile Defense Agency), the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Technology Department, the Food and Drug Administration, the General Services Administration, the Geological Survey, the Department of Homeland Security, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Internal Revenue Service, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of State, the Social Security Administration, the US Customs Service, the US Postal Service, the Department of Transportation, the Transportation Security Agency and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

When president Dwight D Eisenhower warned 50 years ago this month of the dangers of "unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex", he could never have dreamed that one for-profit weapons outfit would so fully insinuate itself into so many aspects of American life. Lockheed Martin has helped turn Eisenhower's dismal mid-20th century vision into a for-profit military-industrial-surveillance complex fit for the 21st century, one in which no governmental activity is now beyond its reach.

I feel safer already....

William D Hartung is the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation and the author of
Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex (Nation Books, January 2011).

Friday, January 7, 2011


The following people have reportedly been:

(A) CIA/MOSSAD assets...

(B) Heavily involved in the drugs trade:

1. Samir GEAGEA, a monstrous Killer/Assassin and head of a CIA Proxy Militia in Lebanon.
Deals in Drugs, Heroin, Cocaine and other drugs since mid-eighties, together with CIA...
2. David Headley, planner of the 2008 Mumbai attacks

3. Dawood Ibrahim, drug lord

4. Pakistan's president Zia ul Haq

5. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, drug lord from Afghanistan

6. Monzer al Kassar, drug lord linked to Lockerbie.
7. The Assad Dictatorship and Drug Mafia in Damascus since the 1970s, working with CIA/MOSSAD.

How might the CIA be financing al Qaeda?

By involvement with drugs gangs?

At the time of Iran-Contra, Monzer al Kassar reportedly helped the CIA smuggle drugs out of Lebanon. (LOCKERBIE AND THE FINANCING OF 9 11)

In Pakistan the CIA worked with President Zia-ul-Haq, who "was running the drug trade."

In Afghanistan the CIA worked with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who was the top figure running the drug trade. (The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA's Drug-Running ...)

Bin Laden, according to an official source, used profits from the drug trade to finance al-CIAda. (Los Angeles Times, September/15/01)

According to the New York Times, on 12/10/01, al-CIAda's mujahedin worked with the US in Bosnia.

"Militants linked to al-CIAda... established connections with Bosnian organized crime figures.

"Officials said al-CIAda... found a route for the trafficking of heroin from Afghanistan into Europe through the Balkans."

Thus, the CIA knew that al-CIAda was involved in heroin-trafficking. (Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Northern Alliance, and Drug-Trafficking)

David Headley worked for the US Drug Enforcement Administration.

The "close institutional relationship between the DEA and the CIA continues up to the present day". (Alfred W. McCoy)

According to Daniel Hopsicker: Barry Seal "told investigators that between March 1984, and August 1985, he made a quarter-million dollars smuggling up to 15,000 kilos of cocaine while working for the DEA." (Barry Seal)

On 11 February 2010, Forbes reported

1. Al Qaeda (CIA) in North Africa ... "appears to be involved in the trafficking of Latin American cocaine through Africa to Spain".

2. Michael Braun, chief of operations at the DEA until 2008, says "There is more clear evidence showing al Qaeda's (CIA's) growing involvement in the Afghan heroin trade on the Pakistan side of the border."

3. Dawood Ibrahim runs a 5,000 member gang involved in narcotics and operates mostly from Pakistan, India and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the US government, Ibrahim shares smuggling routes with al Qaeda (CIA) and has worked with both al Qaeda and its affiliate, Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Lashkar has been blamed for carrying out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, possibly with Ibrahim's help.

4. According to a federal indictment, in 2006 a Pakistani financier for Lashkar-e-Taiba handed David Headley of Chicago $25,000 to conduct video surveillance in India in preparation for the Mumbai attack.

"Arif Qasmani, a chief Lashkar coordinator who has raised funds from crime boss Ibrahim, has been providing al-CIAda with supplies and weapons.

"In return al-CIAda loaned to Lashkar operatives who helped carry out the 2006 train bombings in Mumbai."

"The CIA created a unit in Haiti, whose purported purpose was anti-drug activity, but was in reality 'used as an instrument of political terror', and was heavily involved in drug trafficking.

"The members of the unit were known to torture Aristide supporters... According to one U.S. official, the unit was trafficking drugs and never produced any useful drug intelligence"
(CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia)

According to Peter Dale Scott, Mexico's intelligence agency, the Dirección Federal de Seguridad, was in part a CIA creation.

DFS badges, "handed out to top-level Mexican drug-traffickers, have been labelled by DEA agents a virtual 'license to traffic.'"[7]

Scott says that "The Guadalajara Cartel, Mexico's most powerful drug-trafficking network in the early 1980s, prospered largely because it enjoyed the protection of the DFS, under its chief Miguel Nassar (or Nazar) Haro, a CIA asset."[7] (CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just in Time - Security for The New Year brought to you by MEMRI, SITE, CIA and MOSSAD and the ubiquitous MI6.....

2010 goes out with a bang, not a whimper ......

Al Qaeda MEMRI/Mossad/Al-CIAda publishes guide on bomb making.

Here's the link but clicking it may get you on a 'list.'

Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano visits Afghanistan to pick up some tips and tricks in the 'anything goes' land of dope and murder. Fox News was given exclusive access to her photo ops and fleet of helicopters so there would be 'no spin.' Of course no trip to the Middle East would be complete without visiting the mother of all terrorist states, Israel, and Ms. Janet will no doubt salivate profusely when discussing the security measures used in the West Bank and Gaza.

The safety of our 'homeland' is so important that Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico has finally made a decision not to pardon the long dead Billy the Kid. I feel safer already.

Pardoning dead people would be a bad precedent. Why, someone may one day want to pardon Osama bin Laden for lack of any evidence that he masterminded 9/11 and if Billy can't be pardoned why should Timmy.

Security is going to be big in 2011. Big money that is. Never mind that the DHS/TSA for all of its genital groping, irradiation and general disgusting behavior has never apprehended a single 'terrorist.' Pay no attention to the fact that all the domestic extremists out to get us who were arrested by the FBI have been paid and induced by those doing the arresting. Forget about all the ADL trained thug police forces who 'shoot first and ask questions later.' As with those Christmas presents that we cringe at, we're always being told ... "It's the thought that counts."

Security will definitely be important to all of us in the coming year but safety won't be coming from the criminals in charge.

Real security will be with those we can trust; our family, friends and neighbors. We're going to need some backup and collaboration and we had better start gathering our allies together.

Food and health security is likely to be an issue in 2011. A garden is a good start but most of us cannot supply all we need. Having a food storage stash is not just for Mormons anymore. Being able to protect that stash must be included in the plans and thinking about sharing and trading with others is also important. Back to the basics makes sense.

Our inalienable rights are the base for our security.The rights of free speech, movement and the ability to come together as groups for positive change without fear of repercussion are still somewhat intact but another year like or worse than 2010 is going to create challenges. Many Americans don't like challenges and trading rights for false security is what we're being primed to accept. Sleepwalkers tend to fall off of cliffs.

We won't make too many predictions but it's that threat of another 'catalyzing event' that's worrying. Whether that may be a false flag, another big war, an environmental disaster, food shortages, runaway inflation, much higher unemployment, weather anomalies or possibly weather modification, our security is dependent on us. Big brother and big sis don't actually want to protect us. We're not in that 1% that sit at the top of the heap. Most of us are as disposable as the Chinese junk Walmart sells.

We have basic ideas on what we need to do, generalized solutions for a better world. It's the specifics that we need to develop and come together on. It's a matter of knowledge, will and courage. Humor and sarcasm are also useful. It won't be easy.

Let us know what solutions you feel are important and if we make one resolution maybe it would be to actually implement some of these solutions. Or to at least try.......

So have a happy new year. Stay safe......

This site and any damage it does to their ghoulish cause is a beginning.