Friday, February 29, 2008

Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA.

U.S. Navy ships move closer to Lebanon amid tensions....

The USS Cole (DDG-67) guided missile destroyer arrived off the coast of Lebanon on Feb. 28. The move comes as Syria faces less pressure from several parties, since it has already struck a deal that will end Shawkat’s crisis, in the Murder investigations, and the continuity of the "Regime".... A single warship off the Lebanese coast does not pose any military threat to Syria, and the United States likely is not trying to provoke Damascus into a military confrontation.... nor is it trying to confiscate any assets for the Assads and Makhloufs in USA or anywhere.
These moves are designed to cover their tracks in the White House Murder Inc., a joint venture with Assef Shawkat, MOSSAD and CIA, primed for action since the late 1990s...with over 20 Assassinations already in the bag.... with many more to come....


The United States has sent the guided missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) to the coast of Lebanon as a “show of support” for regional stability, a senior U.S. official said Feb. 28. The official said the warship left Malta on Feb. 25 and was headed toward Lebanon, adding that it will not be within visible range of the country.... for now. The Cole participated in combat operational maneuvers in the Azores recently, in coordination with Israeli forces, in preparation for a rematch in South Lebanon soon...

The move comes as Syria is not facing any mounting pressure from any fronts to strike a deal over Lebanon that will ease the country out of its political crisis. Sending a single warship to the Lebanese coast, however, does not pose a direct military threat to Syria, and the United States is highly unlikely to bring Damascus into a military confrontation at this stage, because USA, ISRAEL And Syria have already struck a DEAL, which translated into the Murder of Imad Moughnieh,by Assef Shawkat's goons, as a first installment, and protection for the Syrian Killer Regime...

Instead, the Cole is meant to send a signal to Hezbollah not be sitting too comfortably. The West is already bracing for Hezbollah’s retaliation for the Feb. 12 assassination of its chief commander, Imad Mughniyah, and rumors are circulating that Hezbollah has plans to step up its militant campaign in the coming weeks. Israel has decided that now is the time for a rematch against Hezbollah in Lebanon, having the Cole nearby for support is handy....

An early Flight I Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, the Cole is a highly capable multimission warship. Though not able to embark helicopters, it can refuel them. Perhaps the most highly capable air defense platform on the planet, the Cole also brings to bear a significant anti-ship and land attack capability in the form of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles and a 5-inch gun.

This, necessarily means that U.S.-Israeli coordinated military action in Lebanon is imminent; there is a good degree of utility in spooking Hezbollah into thinking that the Shiite militant group’s days are numbered...., since war plans are already laid out in Israel and Washington DC, and BUSH was presented with complete operational WAR Invasion plans, on his last visit to ISRAEL.

Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA, Texas funded and Texas based, intelligence is never provided.... For any additional disinformation, please visit @stratfor.

Democracy presupposes civic equality,the equality of all citizens in the eyes of the law. Elie's main goal in politics can be summarized as: The preferred government must possess the capacity of representing different Lebanese factions and enjoy unwavering moral values and a modern administrative effectiveness. Only such a government is capable of taking the steps needed to rebuild the Lebanese political system and regain the balance in the republic. Elie is an Unforgettable LEADER.


من يتحمّل مسؤوليّة الانهيار المسيحي؟

01 آذار 2008

جوزف ريشا - عشرون سنة مرّت والوجود المسيحي في لبنان يسجّل انحداراً ما دونه انحدار... السؤال البديهي هنا من يتحمل المسؤولية؟ من المنطقي ألّا نجد صعوبة كبيرة في الإجابة عن هذا السؤال، وخاصة أن الانهيار المسيحي حدث ويحدث في ظلّ القيادات والمرجعيات نفسها منذ أكثر من عقدين: الكاردينال صفير على رأس الكنيسة، العماد عون والسيد سمير جعجع على رأس أكبر شريحتين شعبيتين، بالإضافة إلى زعامات عائلية وإقطاعية تتماهى مع واحدة من هذه المرجعيات ولكن بشكل خاص مع الكنيسة لحسابات تاريخية كثيراً ما جمعت الإقطاع الديني والعائلي حتى في خندق واحد.
فرغم الهزائم العسكرية التي مني بها المسيحيون مع بداية الثمانينيات نتيجة إقحام المجتمع المسيحي في محور متحالف مع إسرائيل ومن ثم مع دول غربية تخلت عنه عند أول مفترق، بقي هذا المجتمع متماسكاً بعض الشيء لحين ولادة اتفاق الطائف، ومن هنا بدأت المشكلة، وما قبل الاتفاق وبعده نوجز أهم المراحل:
ــ من عام 1984 لغاية عام 1988 قبل وصول العماد عون إلى رئاسة الحكومة العسكرية قام السيد سمير جعجع بخمسة انقلابات و«تصحيحات» وانتفاضات وإلغاءات ضدّ كل من قائد القوات السابق فؤاد أبو ناضر ورئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات إيلي حبيقة والرئيس السابق أمين الجميل لأسباب متنوعة، من توحيد الجهد العسكري ورفع يد السيطرة العائلية الجميلية عن قيادة القوات وبالتالي المجتمع المسيحي، إلى ضرب الاتفاق الثلاثي الذي يتضمّن تنازلات مسيحية، ومن ثم حربين ضدّ الجيش اللبناني بقيادة عون. ــ نهاية الحرب العسكرية باجتياح سوري لقصر بعبدا عام 1990 وهزيمة عون وتطبيق اتفاق الطائف برعاية أميركية ــ سورية ــ سعودية.
ــ زمن الوصاية الشاملة من عام 1990 لغاية الانسحاب السوري بعد اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري ومرحلة الأزمة الحالية المستمرة.
هنا، وبعد سرد هذه المحطات الرئيسية، نطرح الأسئلة التالية التي يمكن وضعها في خانة الأسئلة الاتهامية:

1 ـ لماذا حدث النزف داخل الصف المسيحي خلال الانتفاضات والتصحيحات وما إلى ذلك من تسميات لمعارك، بحجة رفع اليد العائلية وتوحيد الجهد الحربي وحفظ المقاومة، وما دام السيد جعجع سيكون أول من يسلّم السلاح إلى جمهورية الطائف كما أنه اليوم الذراع الشوارعية للإقطاعيات العائلية والطبقية والمدافع الشرس عن البيوتات السياسية والسلالات.
2 ـ لماذا أهدرت أرواح مئات الشباب المسيحي خلال هجوم جعجع على إيلي حبيقة لإلغاء الاتفاق الثلاثي، ما دام جعجع بغطائه العسكري والكاردينال صفير بغطائه الروحي سيمهّدان الطريق أمام اتفاق الطائف الأكثر إجحافاً بحق المسيحيين.
3 ـ لماذا الدفاع المستميت عن الطائف من جانب الكاردينال صفير والسيد جعجع واعتبار أنّ شوائبه تتلخّص فقط بعدم التطبيق الصحيح متغاضين عن ثُغره الكثيرة وعن تحويل الرئيس الماروني إلى منصب كرتوني.
4 ـ لماذا دخل السيد جعجع مشاركاً في أولى حكومات الاحتلال السوري بعد عام 1990.
5 ـ لماذا عاد الكاردينال صفير واعترف بمجلس النوّاب المُقاطَع من جانب المسيحيّين واستقبل نوّابه المنتخبين بأصوات لا تتجاوز الثلاثة أصفار بحيث أعطاهم اعترافاً حجبه عنهم الشعب.
6 ـ لماذا عاد الكاردينال صفير إلى تغطية الفئة المسيحية الموالية للحريرية بعد موقفه الشهير لدى تطبيق قانون غازي كنعان الانتخابي؟.
7 ـ لماذا يقوم الكاردينال صفير بمهاجمة المعارضة المسيحية بشكل شبه دائم بينما لا يحرّك ساكناً عن رفض جعجع ــــــ الجميل لقانون 1960 الانتخابي الذي أيّده مراراً، وهل بات سيد بكركي ومسيحيوه المفضّلون خط دفاع عن المشروع الحريري، إلى حد إعلان جعجع جهاراً رفض قانون 1960 بحجة أنه ليس لمصلحة المسيحيين وعدّد الأسباب التالية:
أ ـ رفض إبقاء قضائي بعلبك والهرمل دائرة واحدة (مع العلم أن كلّاً من القضاءين يمثّل منفرداً أو متّحداً غالبية شيعية جارفة).
ب ـ رفض إبقاء قضاءي مرجعيون وحاصبيا دائرة واحدة (مع العلم أن ضم القضاءين في دائرة واحدة يجعل من المسيحيين في حال تحالفهم مع سنّة الشريط الحدودي وحلفاء جعجع الدروز أغلبية راجحة).
ولكن مهلاً، الغاية من رفض القانون من جانب جعجع ومسيحيي الحريري ليست بخافية على جاهل فهي:
أولاً: الخوف على مسيحيي السلطة في أقضية زغرتا ـــــ الكورة والبترون حيث للمعارضة المسيحية أرجحية كبيرة.
ثانياً: الخوف على وليد جنبلاط وتحجيمه في الجبل الدرزي حيث سيخسر حتماً قضاء بعبدا حيث الأرجحية للمعارضة.
ثالثاً: الخوف على الحليف السني في بيروت، حيث إن تقسيم العاصمة إلى 3 دوائر سيفقد سيطرة السنّة الكاملة على المناطق المسيحية والشيعية من العاصمة.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The quiet relationship between Syria, Israel and Iran's Factions...

With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented...

Since January 24th 2002, I have only awakened to a nightmare--the nightmare of life without you Elie, and this I cannot bear. The memories showing your pictures non stop... in my mind; you are so alive and tangible that I can almost touch you, but it is only "almost" because already I cannot.

Elie Hobeika, you were the pillar of fire before the camp and now we are left as only the camp, alone, in the dark, and it is so cold and sad for us all. I know we are talking in terms of a national tragedy, but how can you try to comfort an entire people or include them in your personal pain, when many do not stop crying, and we are mute, feeling the enormous void that is left only by your absence?

Few truly knew you. They can still talk a lot about you, but I feel that they know nothing about the depth of the pain, the disaster and, yes, this terrible void, for us, the family and the friends, who are left only as the camp, without you, our pillar of fire.

Elie, you were, and still are, our hero. I want you know that in all I have ever done, I have always seen you before my eyes. Your esteem and love accompanied us in every step and on every path, and we lived in the light of your values. You never abandoned us, and now "they" have abandoned you, my eternal hero--cold and lonely--and I can do nothing to save you, you who are so wonderful.

People greater than I have already eulogized you, but none of them was fortunate like myself [to feel] the caress of your warm, soft hands and the warm embrace that was just for us, or your smiles which will always say so much, the same smile that is no more, and froze with you. I have no feelings of revenge because my pain and loss are so big, too big. The ground has slipped away from under our feet, and we are trying, somehow, to sit in this empty space that has been left behind, in the meantime, without any particular success. I am incapable of finishing, but it appears that a strange Cabal..., a miserable person, has already finished for me. Having no choice, I part from you, a hero, and ask that you rest in peace, that you think about us and miss us, because we here, down below, love you so much... our only consolation is our complete faith in our God's special place for you, up there with him for ever, and that he will know how to take care of the "assassins" in time...

To the angels of heaven that are accompanying you now, I ask that they watch over you, that they guard you well, because you deserve such a guard. We will love you Elie Hobeika, always.

The secret of selling yourself is to have a product you truly believe in. Elie Hobeika is the perfect embodiment of these words. He is a kind, nurturing, compassionate, generous, noble,courageous, heroic, unparalleled, unmatched, dependable, supportive, humorous, intelligent, clever, sometimes hilarious, talented, amazing, entertaining, proud, disciplined, profoundly interesting man. He gave me my deeply appreciated "knowledge...," and along with tons of documents and more... . The world was my oyster as we travelled from town to town, city to city, country to country, with the greatest man ever, Elie Hobeika.


Elie Hobeika: He who sows to the Spirit, will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Our Lebanese heroes who gave their lives on the altars of the nation also taught us that he who has faith in the nation, in liberty, and in the rights of its citizens will defend them with absolute vigor and most honorable dedication, and will not fear any threats, threat of oppression, the loss of position or property, or the disappearance of "Thyself" in a Fiery Syrian/Israeli Car BOMB, with CIA's Blessing... aiding and abetting, covering-up, inventing disinformation to muddy the waters... etc.

The quiet relationship between Israel and Iran.

Syria's role in leaning on Hezbollah


WMR has learned of additional pressure being brought to bear by Syria's enigmatic military intelligence service, led by Syrian President Bashar al Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, on Lebanese Hezbollah.

Yesterday, WMR reported on Shawkat's role in eliminating Hezbollah military commander Imad Mughniyeh with a car bomb in Damascus. The role of Asef Shawkat's covert operatives has been evident since the January 24, 2002 car bombing in Beirut of Lebanese Member of Parliament, ex-Minister and Popular Christian political leader Mr. Elie Hobeika. The car bombings by Shawkat's operatives gave critical plausible deniability to the CIA and Mossad. Hobeika was, according to our intelligence sources, aware of the links between The Club, Assef Shawqat, Iran, the United States, and Israel,and much much more...

Lebanon has not been responsive to the Bush Administration. It has had to endure serial failures during a thirteen-years run of failed projects in Lebanon....since the advent of the cacophonies of Netanyahu , Clean Break, PNAC, JINSA and the Neocons...Mr. Elie Hobeika was MURDERED by the USA's CIA, in collaboration with MOSSAD and ASSEF Shawkat's goons, PRECISELY because ALL these plans were presented to him, packaged obviously in obfuscated ways... trying to "entice" him, "incentivize" him to join.... in this "Endeavor" and the New alliance of CIA/MOSSAD.... but Mr. Hobeika "saw through" their "presentations..." UTTER Failure, and an attempt to pull him into a "quagmire" of sorts.... in order to sink him into carrying their dirty hats.... one more time.... in an abominably unfair way... which is always their way.....That's why ELIE Hobeika refused all their attempts at pulling him back into their charades.... and their miserable plans of the 70s and 80s.... etc.

Among these were the murder of Rafik Hariri, the 2006 July War, the tempting 'forward reaching' NATO airbase at Kleiat, importing Salafists to fight Hezbollah, trying to organize a Northern Sunni army around Tripoli and Akkar to fight the Shia in the South, offering to fund a third Shia political party to confront Hezbollah and Amal, working to ignite a civil war, and since January 24th 2002, proven allegations of a 'green light' for political assassinations in an attempt to finger and use Syria.... as a willing partner and convenient cover for their dark plans, by way of Elliott Abrams, Assef Shawqat etc. and their Lebanese/Syrian Cohorts... The Club is nearly at its wits end and is becoming aggressive, according to many Staff Member at the US Senate Intelligence Committee.... and various Intelligence sources in Europe and the USA....

That knowledge, and the fact mentioned in earlier intelligence reports, that he adamantly refused offers, inducing him to join this covert US strategy , since the latter part of the 1990s, and because it is a given, for people "in the know", that had he been alive today, he would be able to decipher with great ease, all these covert links, was considered dangerous in some circles in Damascus, Jerusalem, and Washington... Hence, the Savage assassination of January 24th 2002, by Shawqat's goons....

WMR has also learned from our Middle East sources that the capture by the French Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST) of a Hezbollah cell in France and the simultaneous rolling up of another Hezbollah cell in Morocco by Moroccan intelligence, came as a result of information provided directly by Shawkat. Apparently, Shawkat wanted to warn Hezbollah against retaliation for the Mughniyah assassination.

The ploy to send a warning to Hezbollah from Damascus had its limits. A French security and intelligence delegation from France is due in Beirut today to work out a quiet deal on the capture of the Hezbollah cell in France, and the Hezbollah cell in Morocco has not been charged with any crimes. However, it is clear that Hezbollah is being warned that its operations can be contained with the help of Syria and, to a lesser extent, Iran.

As far as Iran's discrete ties to Israel are concerned, WMR has learned from Middle East sources that Iran's former top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, is a descendant of one of Tehran's wealthiest Jewish merchant families. Larijani remains a member of the Iranian National Security Council and is a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

These familial religious links and pasts are not lost on Israeli leaders. Israel's former President, Moshe Katsav, forced from office over sexual assault allegations from female staffers, is an ethnic Iranian. On September 25, 2006, WMR reported, "Moshe Katsav, an Iranian Yazdi Jew, is said to have an important direct link to former Iranian President Mohamed Khatami. One of Katsav's cousins studied with Khatami at Tehran University."

Such old religious ties are not merely limited to Iran. A top Saudi journalist told this editor that many people in Saudi Arabia are well aware that the present ruling Saud ruling family are descendants of a Jewish merchant family from Basra, in present-day Iraq. Their ancestor is Mordakhai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe, who changed his name to Markhan bin Ibrahim Musa. One of Markhan's sons was named Saud, an ancestor of the ruling Saud family. There have been and remain close and discrete links between Israeli and Saudi intelligence, as well as quiet financial and other commercial ties between the two nations.

Israel's "OLD" Reality of today, still blinded by Hate, Racism, Bigotry,
Deceit, Deception and Denial.

Published By Friday, March 007, 2008 .


The death of Ronnie Yahia, a 47-year-old student at the Sapir College for
Liberal Arts in Echkelon and a father of four, was a bitter reminder of the
threat Israel faces on its sixtieth anniversary. It is a similar reminder to
the one the Israeli army was given in southern Lebanon in July 2006 during
the tragic 1002nd Lebanon War. There were harbingers of this day. In January
24th 2002, when butchers Ariel Sharon, Assef Shawkat and CIA, started their
deliberate assassinations campaign in Lebanon and Syria, , and when Karine-A, a ship
loaded with 50 tons of bullets, missiles and mines, was caught in the Red
Sea, substantiating the long-suspected link between the Shiite Islamic
Republic of Iran and Sunni terror groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad in
the Palestinian Authority. The lesson is now clear: Israel is no longer
merely dealing with a localized Palestinian threat, seeking to plant bombs
in the heart of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Israel is immersed in a larger
battle against fundamentalist Islam, a movement that has always postured
itself against Israel, but which today is actively engaged in an effort to
destroy the Jewish State.

The agenda unifying Hassan Nasrallah, the Shiite leader of Lebanese
Hezbollah, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Shiite Iranian President, and Ismail
Heniyeh, the Sunni leader of Hamas and the de facto Prime Minister of the
Gaza Strip, is simple: Eliminate the "cancerous cell"-the State of
Israel-from the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah have reiterated this
message out loud; Heniyeh's Hamas Constitution explicitly calls for this
objective. The goal is evident. As for the means, anything is legitimate.

From Israel's perspective, the implications are clear and it will defend
itself at any price, as costly and as tragic as it may be. On the Northern
front, a million Israelis were displaced in the Second Lebanon War, due to
an incessant raid of missiles emerging from Hezbollah outposts in Southern
Lebanon. With an average of 150 missiles a day raining on its citizens for
over a month, Israel had no choice but to target the very villages in which
Hezbollah had been taking refuge among civilians. On the Southern front, the
citizens of Sderot and the Western Negev have had to endure the continuous
Qassam missile raids for the last seven years. The Qassams, coming from the
heart of the Gaza Strip, have forced the Israeli government to be brutal
again, and target the leaders of Islamic Jihad and Hamas in the Strip.

As an Israeli citizen and an ex-solider in the Israel Defense Forces, the
Second Lebanon war opened my eyes to the new dynamics of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The reality of fundamentalist Islam, to which
due to its geographic location Israel is uniquely susceptible, has several
implications. Whereas the Israeli government has not yet formally
acknowledged these implications, I believe the day will soon come when it
will have no other recourse. The days of the "Palestinian-Israeli conflict"
are over. Questions such as the refugee right of return and the fate of
Jerusalem have lost their immediate relevance to the Israeli security
problem. As we say in the Israeli Intelligence community, it is not that
these questions are not important; they are simply less urgent. Terminating
the occupation of the West Bank (which Israel did in Gaza in 2005) is not
going to change the magnitude of the threat to be dealt with, neither on the
Sunni nor on the Shiite front. This conflict has for a long time been about
more than just reaching an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian
Authority. For the Sunni Wahabis and the Shiite revolutionaries, bringing
about the end of the Palestinian occupation will not suffice. They will not
be satisfied until they see the end of Israel itself.

Israel has acknowledged its need to withdraw from ALL Arab territories,
which they had occupied . Withdrawal from the 20-mile "Security Belt" in
Southern Lebanon in May 2000 proved counter-productive. It brought Hezbollah
20 miles closer to the Northern borders. Its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip
in August 2005 was fatal. With long range missiles, neither the residents of
Sderot, not Ashkelon, nor my parents in Tel Aviv, can sleep peacefully at

The threat to the State of Israel will continue to grow as countries like
Syria and Iran improve their ballistic capabilities. The threat of all-out
conflict looms, with no clear path to peace. In the meantime, the Harvard
community attending events such as "Breaking the Silence," which sheds
negative light on me and my peers in the Israeli assassins brigades, ought
to be aware of the incredible difficulty we in the Hobeika family have been
facing, ever since the Butcher Ariel Sharon and "His state" of Israel and
its assassins.... have brought upon us, and it's a small measure for Israel
to see that such barbaric actions which they concocted with their assassin
friends in USA, will only bring death, destruction, sufferings, humiliation
and more on the peoples of the region and well beyond for decades to come,
no matter what you keep inventing from lies, demagoguery, inflammatory
rhetoric, real and projected wars on Islam and Christianity, with films,
clips, news items, articles, music, books, magazines, documentaries, fake
Zionist encyclopedias and the rest of your despicable tools of your trade in
cheap HATE Mongering.

SHIRAQ QABALAN'018 is a government disinformation specialist at
ZION House.
She is currently completing her thesis on Israel's crisis behavior in the
post-murders era. She served in the Israeli offensive Forces for two years
before coming to spew her venom at Harvard....[ see next article of interest...]
Russia's Policy vis-à-vis Iran and Hezbollah...

America's tragedy of September 11, 2001 and in the aftermath of
these attacks constituted a historic watershed in the development of
Middle Eastern politics and brought about significant changes in the
formation of a new structure of international relations – both
regionally and globally. Since the threat of international terrorism
became an imminent reality to all nations, many states, including Russia
- which during the past decade has been a primary target of
international terrorist organizations[i]
<> - have implemented
substantial revisions in their conception of national security and
foreign policy. In Russia's case, a key element of this new
conception is the realization that the most effective force in combating
the phenomenon of international terrorism may be the creation of a wide
international counter-terrorist coalition[ii]
<> .

At the same time, Russian leadership openly stated concerns that such a
coalition could be misused by a number of western states, mainly the US,
to implement policies aimed against sovereign nations deemed detrimental
to America's national interests. Some Russian observers point to the
statement by Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who asserted
that countries, which refrain from public condemnation of terrorism and
even actively support some terrorist organizations, should be isolated
from the counter-terrorist coalition. In his statement, Henry Kissinger
referred primarily to Iran, Iraq and Syria – countries that have a
long history of favorable economic, political and cultural relations
with Russia. In this respect and in light of its role as an active
member of the counter-terrorist coalition, Moscow acts according to its
interests and objectives, while it tries to avoid becoming what some
Russian officials call a "passive instrument in the struggle of the
West against international terrorism".[iii]

The geopolitical position of the Russian Federation (RF) in the Middle
East should be analyzed in the context of Moscow's renewed global
approach to foreign policy, which is likely to be maintained by Vladimir
Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev[iv]
<> . This approach is
expressed in Russia's active attempts to establish a multi-polar
international environment, in the framework of an increasing,
multifaceted confrontation with the United States. These attempts occur
on various levels of the political and economic spheres with the purpose
of asserting Russia's role as an influential player in global
international affairs.

One of the methods employed by Moscow in materializing its foreign
policy goals is strengthening bilateral relations with countries in the
Muslim world, and more specifically with Iran. The latter is regarded as
a key player in the region – in recent years, Iran and Russia have
developed strong bilateral cooperation[v]
<> .

It is evident that today Russia and Iran are active economic partners.
In this context, observers tend to specify military contracts (such as
the November 13, 1991 agreement in which Russia was to provide technical
assistance for Iran's production of T-72 tanks and BMP-2 personnel
carriers; the supply of some 40 units of aviation materiel in 2001-2005;
as well as the 2006 agreement to sell 29 Tor M-1 anti-aircraft complexes
and C-300 PMY-1 rocket systems[vi]
) totaling around $5
billion. The latest of these military contracts signified a fundamental
shift in Russia's policy, as in 1995 President Yeltsin complied with
Washington's request to halt military supplies to Teheran. This is
accentuated by the fact that recent military sales to Iran are not a
product of economic necessity. Whereas a decade ago - following
Yeltsin's default – the Kremlin was practically bankrupt and in
desperate need of additional sources of funding, today Russia boasts a
surplus of some $480 billion in national gold and hard currency
reserves[vii] .

Observers also note the Iranian nuclear project in Busheir, where Russia
is directly involved in construction and fuel supply projects totaling
over $1 billion[viii] . In
addition to cooperating on nuclear issues, Russian franchises operate in
the Iranian energy sector - "Gazprom" is conducting the
development of the South Pars gas project with investments worth over
$700 million[ix] ;
"Lukoil" is making attempts to establish itself on the local
market[x] ; and
"Technopromexport" is responsible for developing 10% of the
Iranian energy production capacity[xi]
. Russia also cooperates
with Iran in the sphere of space launches and even the banking system.
The yearly scope of trade relations with Iran is in excess of $1.5
billion. In addition, Russia has reasonable basis to assume that any
military escalation connected to Iran would entail considerable
financial benefits, as it would undoubtedly lead to an increase in
fossil fuel prices. In this context, Russia's statements in
opposition to UN economic sanctions directed at Iran are understandable,
and even anticipated[xii]

Despite Russia's official position of strict non-proliferation of
nuclear weapons to Iran, there exists an opposing point of view that
overtly justifies Iran's nuclear ambitions. This position is
presented by Vladislav Inozemtzev[xiii]

"In whatever extent we regard Iran's nuclear and military
ambitions, we must not forget that no state can be confident in its
security as long as the United States openly declares it as an enemy of
the "civilized world". This is why Iran's nuclear pursuit is
understandable and, moreover, it does not contradict their international

In this manner, through the sales of military equipment and the signing
of energy-related treaties, Russia seeks to reestablish influence
vis-à-vis its former Soviet-era clients in the Middle East, including
Algeria, Syria and Iran. According to some observers, Russia tacitly
supports Iran's aspirations to become a counterbalance to the United
States in the Islamic world[xiv]
– a role that the
Iranian regime has aspired to achieve since the establishment of the
Islamic Republic in 1979. These factors contribute to the risk involved
in US-Iranian confrontation. An actual American or Israeli attack on
Iranian targets and blockade of the Straits of Hormuz would lead to
considerable disruptions of fossil fuel supplies and record oil prices.
Needless to say that Russia would receive grandiose benefits not only
from a global hysteria in oil demand, but also from a sharp rise in
anti-American sentiment in the Mashreq and Maghreb that is bound to
emerge following any military action against Iran. Although,
hypothetically, military defeat of the Iranian regime may become
detrimental to Russian interest in the region, it is evident that Russia
would reap tremendous short-term economic and political benefits from
any acute escalation in US-Iranian hostility.

Russia's implication in the formative processes of the new system of
international relations defines its active role in Middle Eastern
affairs. Today, the Middle East remains vital for the realization of
Russia's interests in the southern part of its post-Soviet
territories. Following the disintegration of the USSR, developments in
the international arena have brought Russia, the Central Asian countries
and many Middle Eastern nations into a sphere of shared geo-political
and military-strategic interests. Russia remains vitally concerned with
the developments beyond its southern borders, as the Caucasus, Central
Asia and the Middle East are characterized by general instability, a
zeitgeist of separatist movements, and high levels of economic and
political interdependency.

During the last decades of the 20th century, terrorism and extremism
became inseparable companions of Middle Eastern politics and
substantially widened the scope of both potential and ongoing conflicts
in the region. In this light, achieving stability of the developing
political and strategic situation in the Middle East and Central and
South Asia, including regions in direct proximity to the CIS - as well
as the goal of establishing enduring Russian influence - all remain
paramount to understanding Russian foreign policy in the Middle East.
Russian leadership clearly realizes that by obtaining these goals, it
will help neutralize fragmentation and degenerative processes inside
Russia and within the wider borders of the post-Soviet geopolitical

In addition, the Middle East remains important for Russia as a principal
supplier of natural resources, a major hub of international
communications and a lucrative market for Russian goods and services. In
this respect, Moscow's long term interests also include Russian
involvement in economic development of Middle Eastern nations in the
framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Many Russian officials are convinced that the escalation of the
Arab-Israeli conflict, in light of the reemerging Palestinian intifada
and the practical impasse of the peace process, is empowering various
radical Islamic organizations on the Middle Eastern political
proscenium[xv] .
Furthermore, these Islamist organizations and their surrounding
political conditions reflect emerging international systemic processes
and serve as painful points of contention for both regional and world

In this regard, it is apparent that Russia's close relationship with
Iran has an ineluctable impact on Moscow's position vis-à-vis
Hezbollah, especially if we consider that Hezbollah remains a client of
both Iran and Syria. Taking a hostile stance to Hezbollah, as well as
declaring Hezbollah a terrorist entity, would therefore contradict the
general line of Russian foreign policy in the region....

According to Russian observers, Hezbollah acts concurrently as the
prominent Lebanese political party, a major Shiite social and
humanitarian organization and an organized military force. The Israeli
withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000 is viewed as a kind of victory
for Hezbollah and elevated the organization to the status of a regional
player. Hezbollah is thus considered to possess real capacity to
influence both internal Lebanese politics and regional affairs in
general. Furthermore, Hezbollah is viewed as having the potential to
become a major regional player in the foreseeable future. This viewpoint
is reflective of Russia's tendency to support Hezbollah's
legitimacy as a political organization[xvi]

Expository of this perspective is Moscow's reaction to the summer
2006 War in Lebanon[xvii]
. On July 12, 2006 Russian leadership issued a statement in which it
took an equivocal position regarding the sides in the conflict. While it
expressed general concern regarding the sudden escalation and armed
confrontations on the Israel-Lebanon border and called for the rapid
return of kidnapped Israeli soldiers, the Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MFA) urged Israel to avoid utilizing disproportional force, or
destroying the civilian infrastructure in Lebanon. Moscow appealed to
Israel to resolve all disputes through entirely diplomatic channels,
while highlighting the necessity to release Lebanese prisoners. In the
same spirit, the statement lacked any mention of Hezbollah in connection
to the unfolding military operations.

Not less representative of Russia's policy was Moscow's position
in the aftermath of the Second Lebanon War. Decisively refusing to
participate in the formation of the UNIFIL military contingent, Russia
resorted to deploying military regiments of "humanitarian
character". According to the former RF Minister of Defense, Sergey
Ivanov, Russia's refusal to send a contingent as part of a UNIFIL
force complies with the UN mandate in Lebanon, as the mandate's
intention to disarm Hezbollah presents a practically impossible
task[xviii] . This point
of view was echoed by the Russian senator M. Margelov[xix]

"The Humanitarian character of the mission is an optimal form of
presence of Russian forces in the Region … clearly, our presence in
Lebanon – a trusted partner in the region – is important not
only from a humanitarian or military, but also from a political point of
reference. Our forces have not been tasked to disarm Hezbollah, or to
conduct any sort of military operations that may threaten the lives of
Russian servicemen."

It is thus evident that Hezbollah's place within the course of
Russia's foreign policy interests in the Middle East is determined
by complex tactical and strategic considerations. According to Russian
officials, the RF maintains contact with Hezbollah[xx]
. The Lebanese
organization, in turn, willingly pursues connections with Moscow thereby
invoking heated interest towards Russia's position with regard to
the Middle East peace process. With this in mind, it is noteworthy that
with over a million Russian-speaking Israeli citizens, Russia enjoys a
modest level of influence on the internal political life in Israel.
Combined with its tested ties with Syria and Lebanon, Moscow's
affect on Israeli politics produces considerable leverage vis-à-vis
Hezbollah's position with regard to focal aspects of the political
situation in the Middle East. In this respect, Russian diplomats
highlight their role in convincing Syria and Iran to reduce support of
radical organizations that acted against the peace process between
Israel and the Palestinians in the late 1990s. Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs, V.V. Posuvaluk conducted a number of meetings with
Hassan Nassrallah in this context. In addition, high-ranking
representatives of the Russian MFA met with Hezbollah leadership in
2000-2001 in order to discuss the release of prisoners held in Israel
and Lebanon as part of an effort to diffuse tensions in the region[xxi]

According to Russian sources, Moscow considers Hezbollah as having
realistic chances of becoming a formidable political force – not
only in Lebanon, but in the whole Middle East in general[xxii]
. In this perspective,
Hezbollah could represent the interests of both the Shiite minorities,
and of the Sunni majority; and Moscow has made efforts to establish
relations with Hezbollah. Russian analysts believe that contacts with
Hezbollah create interest towards and awareness of Russia's opinion
in the region. Similar considerations are behind Russia's
involvement with Iran, Syria and Lebanon, which, according to Russian
politicians, serve as a launch pad for constructive cooperation with
many other Arab nations. In other words, Moscow harbors hopes that by
maintaining reciprocal relations with Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, it will
gain sufficient political capital in order to entrench its positions in
the Middle East and gain leverage in the context of regional political

[i] Schweitzer, G. E.
and Sharber, A. C., (2006) Editors, "Countering Urban Terrorism in
Russia and the United States: Proceedings of a Workshop", Committee
on Counterterrorism, Challenges for Russia and the United States, Office
for Central Europe and Eurasia, National Research Council, in
cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences

[ii] International
Affairs Journal, (2003), ""New Terrorism Rejection Philosophy Shaped
Up", International Affairs Journal, Issue No. 9-10, retrieved from:\

[iii] Ahmedov,
Center of Power in the Middle East), retrieved from the Institute of
Social Systems (MGU) website:

[iv] The Jamestown
Foundation, (2008, March 13), "Medvedev Dares not Venture into
International Arena", Eurasia Daily Monitor, Volume 5, Issue 48

See also: Matein, H., (27 February 2008,),
Kremlin's Policies), retrieved from

[v] Dehghanpisheh, B.,
(2007), "Bear Hugs", World Press Review, VOL. 48, No. 06,
retrieved from:

[vi] Aksenov, P., (15
May 2005), "Ход "Тором"", Rambler Media Group,
retrieved from Lenta.Ru:

[vii] The Economist,
(28 February 2008), "Smoke and mirrors", The Economist Print

See also: Matein, H., "After Elections Putin Will Be Able to Direct
Kremlin's Policies"

[viii] CNN Online, (17
December 2007,), "Russia delivers nuclear fuel to Iran",
retrieved from:

[ix] RBC Online News,
(19 February 2008), "Ð"азпром будет
добывать нефть в Иране",
(Gazprom Will Extract Oil in Iran), retrieved from

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Behind the Media Smoke Screens in the Middle east

With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented.

Elie Hobeika: He who sows to the Spirit, will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Our Lebanese heroes who gave their lives on the altars of the nation also taught us that he who has faith in the nation, in liberty, and in the rights of its citizens will defend them with absolute vigor and most honorable dedication, and will not fear any threats, threat of oppression, the loss of position or property, or the disappearance of "Thyself" in a Fiery Syrian/Israeli Car BOMB, with CIA's Blessing, aiding and abetting, since 1997, when he adamantly refused to play Ball again...
February , 2008 -- Behind the media smoke screen in the Middle East.

Reality paints a much different picture of Middle East covert operations.

Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell tipped his hand just a bit when he recently opined that Syria may have been responsible for the February 12 car bombing in Damascus of Hezbollah military commander Imad Mughniyeh. McConnell, according to WMR's Middle East Intelligence sources, provided only a small part of the ntelligence cooperation that actually occurs in the Middle East between factions from the Syrians, Iranians, Israelis, and Americans.

It is becoming apparent that the head of Syrian military intelligence, Assef Shawqat, and a group of his operatives in Syria and Lebanon have been carrying out a number of car bombings, including that of Mughniyeh and Lebanese politicians, in order to provide "plausible deniability" and a firewall between Syria and the Israelis and Americans. This whole Covert effort started in earnest with the Assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika, January 24th 2002. Mr. Hobeika was closest to this group, earlier in his career, hence it was decided to take him out of the picture first, because he adamantly refused offers to induce him to join this whole strategy anew, since the latter part of the 1990s, and because it is a given, for people "in the know", that had he been alive today, he would be able to decipher all these covert links with exact details, names, and more...! Significantly, Shawkat is the brother-in-law of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.

WMR's sources report that "a faction" within the Iranian military decided to help the Shawkat faction take out Mughniyeh in order to avoid an outbreak of war between Hezbollah and Israel in south Lebanon and a possible concurrent "shock and awe" US air strike on Iran. Hezbollah's operational command maintains close links with the Iranian embassies in Syria and Lebanon. In addition, Hezbollah's Special Security Apparatus is provided with weapons, military training, and money by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Al Qods force of the IRGC.

Shawkat has maintained close ties with the CIA, providing the agency with extraordinary rendition prisons and torture rooms for individuals grabbed by CIA operatives around the world, including Canadian citizen Maher Arar, a native of Syria. In September 2006, a Canadian Commission of Inquiry concluded that Arar, who was kidnapped while transiting JFK Airport in New York, was tortured by Syrian military intelligence. The report stated that Shawkat's service tortured Arar "while interrogating him during the period he was held incommunicado at the SMI’s [Syrian Military Intelligence's] Palestine Branch facility.”

After the car bomb hit on Mughniyah in Damascus, Shawkat's intelligence operatives ensured that the scene of the bombing was completely cleansed by
first light the next morning. The only signs that the bombing had occurred were some black marks on the street and some minor damage to adjacent walls.

What is lost on the Western media is that there are covert channels between Israeli, Syrian, and Iranian intelligence. The Secretary of the conservative
Islamic Coalition Society and close friend of Ayatollah Ali Khamanei is Habibollah Asgaroladi, a radical Muslim who rejected attempts by former President Mohammad Khatami to improve relations with the United States. Khatami's entreaties were also rejected by the neocons in the George W. Bush administration.

Asgaroladi is a member of the Expediency Council, an influential advisory group in the country chaired by former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
who was the main Iranian interlocutor between the Americans and Israelis in the Iran-contra scandal during the Reagan-Bush administration in the 1980s. More noteworthy is the fact that Asgaroladi, counted as one of Iran's richest men, converted to Islam from Judaism during the time of the Shah's reign.

According to WMR's Iranian sources, beyond his radical rhetoric, Asgaroladi serves as an important back channel to Israel, especially in matters of trade matters. Asgaroladi's position in Iran has been likened by WMR's Middle East sources to the large number of Turkish leaders whose families converted
from Judaism to Islam before and after the Turkish secular revolution of Kemal Ataturk. In fact, knowledgeable Turkish sources report that Ataturk,
himself, was one such convert. These Turkish leaders provide much of the support for close Turkish-Israeli relations, including military and intelligence links.

Our Middle East intelligence sources report that the Syrians, Israelis, and Iranians prefer that U.S. intelligence remain largely ignorant of "some covert" and "subtle links" between Israel, the minority Alawite Muslim regime in Damascus, and factions within the mullahs in Tehran. However, it is just possible, that ignorance by the United States... that could propel America into a disastrous military action in Iran.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"SWAP" , "Arbitrage" DEAL of the Century....MADE IN THE WHITE HOUSE'S MURDER INC.

With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented. Elie Hobeika, RIP.

Special Analysis.
Let me make some Facts clear ounce and for all....
The ONLY reason why the ASSADS are still in
power in Syria, is because Israel's Government
and Security establishment supports a Alawite
Regime in Syria. Period.
Now, the Assads Regime "might" be showing
some "cracks" from INSIDE it's structure, based
on Family and Billions Stolen, tens of Billions....
since the "advent" of Assef Shawkat....
Assef Shawkat "rammed" through the Assad's
family, like a Bullet Train in the 90s, and married
Bushra.... following the Murder of BASIL
Basil was adamantly opposed to this Monster....

He rose through the ranks....especially since 2002.
He moved way up on Feb. 13th 2005....
In Feb. "13th 2008".... he is making moves for the
KILL against the ASSADS, in order to become the
NEW Dictator of Damascus himself NOW..... because
BASHAR is too "enamored" with Hassan Nasrallah.....
and ASSEF is not...Assef is supported by the USA's
services to the hilt, and they are trying to Help him
make and prepare a winning strategy to replace
with the "couple" ASSEF / BUSHRA ASSAD....
Israel can live with this Strategy and is supporting
it NOW. ........ !!!
Israel will never support a Strategy of Removing the
Alawites completely, to replace them with a Sunni
dominated Regime, which Chirac and Bush were....
contemplating.... some time ago in 2006.... in fact
BUSH and US services, when push came to shove.....
DID Not support even including Damascus in
the Israeli campaign of 2006, but pushed Chirac
into coming out openly..., asking for it publicly,
and the Israelis said NIET...
Now, there is a Coup D'état being "primed" in
Damascus.... the timing remains a Mystery...?
But you can be sure that Assef Shawkat
will be the winner, should he be able to Pull it off....
with the HELP OF ......????
The Lebanese can only watch, and should never
get embroiled in such a DOG's fight....
Lebanon can't remedy that, but it can
avoid tactless behavior that worsens
the situation....
One key fact to remember. In addition to acting as a
"lily pad" from which the US and NATO can project
power into Syria, Iraq, and beyond... we are meddling
into muddy waters already... as is the case in .........
Here's a "taste" of what's to come for Lebanon.....

Annapolis will represent another signpost in the US drive to solidify the de facto unholy alliance that has bound Israel and the so-called "moderate" Arab states under US patronage. In this case, it is difficult to be optimistic about prospects for Lebanon or the region....

For Lebanon the US project means eliminating Hizbullah's core "Resistance" capabilities..., one way or the other, so as to remove Israel's only genuine security threat and deprive Syria and Iran of leverage in their own negotiations with the US regarding the Golan Heights and nuclear arms respectively....

However, in light of the failure of the July 2006 US-Israeli war to destroy Hezbollah, the US has for now shifted its strategy away from a military solution to co-opting the Lebanese state, its cronies, stooges and creeps of Elliott Abrams, itself to pursue these tasks on its behalf-much as it has done in Palestine with Abu Mazen's recent declaration of war against Hamas....

By recognizing March 14's disputed claims to executive authority (now apparently reinforced with the governments' assumption of presidential powers), encouraging it to reject the opposition's repeated calls for a national unity government, and supporting its call for the full implementation of UNSC resolution 1559, the US appears to believe it has accomplished the first stage of this strategy which has focused on removing the Resistance's official cloak of state legitimacy it enjoyed under President Lahoud....

The second phase of US strategy is to create what the Pentagon calls a "strategic alliance" with the Lebanese army--the only state institution that enjoys broad support from all Lebanese communities, regardless of sect or class-- by transforming it into a force that would confront, rather than support, the Resistance. US military aid has been rising exponentially, as has the EU's; while March 14 has been working hard to install officers loyal to its cause in a bid to reverse the army's pro-Resistance sympathies...., and the "White House Murder Inc.", was busy... Murdering those who are not "compliant"...[like HK, who categorically refused
to Play Ball with their criminal Tactics...and paid the Ultimate Price for his correct and courageous stands], as was the case, with the assassination of
General Francois El-Hajj .... and More...

After seven years of ignoring the plight of the Palestinians and often actively undermining the “Road Map” and other such peace agreements, the Bush administration decided to convene Annapolis at a time when the American, Israeli, and Palestinian leaderships were in their weakest political positions; hardly a recipe for success, unless, we look at things from a different angle.

The Palestinian leadership, considered illegitimate by a large portion of Palestinians, when looked at from this new angle, barely makes it into the picture as the disposable policy conduit of the heavy weights, the U.S. and Israel.

The only way we can understand and explain Annapolis is through the consistent behavior of both the U.S. and Israel over the last years; through their methods of operation - that would hardly change overnight - and not through their words or photo ops. We need to look for similarities in their policies and approaches and to consider where they would be implemented next and how Annapolis would facilitate that.

Fighting terrorism and outside threats is at the core of both American and Israeli domestic and foreign policies and their sustainability depends on such threats. Recently, even though such threats have not diminished, the populations all over the world have adjusted to their levels as in the case of Al-Qaeda, or outright rejected them as insignificant regional threats as in the case of the violence between Israelis and Palestinians, even worse for Israel, more and more the violence is perceived as disproportionately one sided and a direct result of the occupation of Palestinian lands and Israeli intransigence.

For the U.S. and Israel to preserve their policies and strategic objectives, the threat level has to evolve and increase beyond what it is today.

The grounds are being prepped for such an increase and Annapolis is but a “signpost”, it is so correctly cautioned. The U.S. and Israel are actively engaged, through the use of military force, economic pressure, financial incentives, political arm-twisting, etc…, in creating and widening rifts between countries and within populations in the Middle East in order to transform an entire region stretching from Pakistan to Algeria.

By the day, the rifts are expanding in Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine, and it is no secret that the U.S. is going to implement the so-called successes of the Anbar province of Iraq, paying a segment of the population for forcibly policing another, in the volatile Tribal Regions of Pakistan. We also know of clandestine operations in Iran to undermine the Iranian government through discontented minorities. Such clandestine operation could also be taking place elsewhere.

The large and enduring threat that the U.S. and Israel are looking for can be described as a contiguous swath of land where the so-called radical Muslims roam unchecked. The relationships between populations and countries that compose it is of no consequence as long as, to the average western observer, the region resembles an incomprehensible and menacing brew, a sort of an active volcano, impossible to control or predict, that could spew its terrorism lava at any moment and only the vigilant eye of the U.S. and its allies could protect the world.

“with us or against us” will be redefined and re-imposed. Even though the question is the same as after 9/11, the scope is different. After 9/11, it was imposed on countries, now, it will be imposed on individuals in the greater Middle East region; it will be the question that defines the fault line of a rift.

Annapolis is the forum where the new “with us or against us” was formally proposed and the Palestinian issue will be split in half along the fault line it creates. There will be moderate Palestinians who are “with us”, and radicals “against us”; the Palestinian issue would be solved by simply having it vanish.

Annapolis is where Israel is given the cover to pursue two diametrically opposed policies. One that would reward a so-called moderate (compliant) West Bank with some form of peace while the other would punish Gaza with the harshest of treatments to make certain that Gaza is forced into the “against us” camp.

The so-called moderate Arab states would use the treatment of the West Bank as the fig leaf they so desperately need to relieve them from the burdensome Palestinian issue. They might even help rehabilitate Israel, normalize relationships, or even form an alliance if Israel is made to be perceived as the only regional power that could counter-balance a menacing nuclear Iran.

In contrast, the treatment of Gaza, which is mostly Muslim, would be a stronger rallying cry for the radicals and would surely increase their fervor and numbers.

Both sides of the rift, the “with us” and “against us”, would have their supporting arguments but they are no longer countries, they are now individuals. The net effect of this policy toward the Palestinian issue would be the polarization of Arab and Muslim societies down to the smallest of social units; the rift will be within families, even between couples.

Still, this is not sufficient for the U.S. and Israel since these individuals are too dispersed. If we were to think of this new policy toward Palestine as the driving force behind this rift, the critical mass where all the ingredients are present, the powder keg that would make it happen is Pakistan and no one other than bin Laden is holding the match.

In his recent audio, released through Al-Jazeera, bin Laden hinted at the illegality of the War in Afghanistan but supplied no credible evidence. His attempt at driving a wedge between Europe and the U.S. could only be described as amateurish and his allegations dismissed as bogus.

As someone who has researched and written extensively on the legality of the Afghanistan war, I can assure you that bin Laden’s allegations are no joke. The Afghanistan war was illegal beyond the Iraq war; the victims of the Afghanistan war are not only the innocent civilians, but also every soldier who has died, and even you and I.

It is reported that bin Laden’s recent release targeted Europe’s population. The truth is, it targeted U.S. and European leaderships since they are the only ones who knew what he was talking about.

The proper evidence will be supplied by bin Laden sooner or later since the West would never dare supply it. It will surface when it benefits him the most. The most likely time would be, since it also fits the often observed symbiotic relationship between him and Bush, shortly after Musharraf, the Pakistani president, launches the long awaited military campaign against the Tribal Regions with the help of U.S. military advisers.

Should we wait for bin Laden to light the fuse when it benefits him and those imposing the “with us or against us” option, or, should I inform you now in the hope that you could resurrect the good options?

Since I have written about this crime extensively, and fulfilled my duty by informing the Democratic Judiciary Committees in both U.S. House and Senate, I see no reason why you should not have known about it even sooner.

What bin Laden said is true; the evidence that Al-Qaeda bore the sole responsibility for 9/11 was obtained by the U.S., through human intelligence, on September 26, 2001, ten days before the invasion of Afghanistan.

The tape released by the Pentagon on December 13, 2001, showing bin Laden confessing to Khaled Al-Harbi of his involvement in the attacks was the result of a sting operation run by U.S. intelligence with the help of Saudi intelligence on September 26, 2001.

Intelligence operatives had four days advance notice of the date of the meeting and taping, twenty four hours advance notice of its location, and knew that bin Laden would be in that village for at least three hours if not overnight since his family also lived in that village.

Instead of killing him or capturing him as per Bush’s famous promise “dead or alive”, this perfectly scripted opportunity was used to tape him. If bin Laden was killed or captured on that date, the U.S. would not have had any international support or legal standing to invade Afghanistan ten days later.

Based on actions by NATO, and statements by high-ranking Pakistani officials in the beginning of October 2001, the evidence seems to have been shared with them because of their importance in the war effort, but, such evidence of bin Laden’s guilt was not shared with the Taliban even though they offered bin Laden in exchange.

The U.S. had the military clout and, so shortly after 9/11, the strong international support that would have forced the Taliban to hand over bin Laden and avert war if evidence of his guilt was provided. This is also the path dictated by the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter. The U.S. chose to conceal the evidence and go ahead with the invasion; that is what bin Laden means by “the U.S. insisted”.

The release of such information by bin Laden, coupled with verses from the Koran, Hadeeth, or Muslim history relating to acts of treason against Islam or the Prophet, augmented by announcement of the capture of a Saudi intelligence cell inside Al-Qaeda assigned to kill him, would surely inflame sentiments in Pakistan and elsewhere against Musharraf and his patrons, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

The rift could only get wider and would stretch from Pakistan to Gaza on the Mediterranean and maybe even Algeria and Morocco on the Atlantic; now that is big enough. Iran, caught in the middle would be further isolated and cut off from an important energy client, India. The U.S. would re-deploy to the safety of the Kurdish area in Iraq and meddle at its leisure while the rest of Iraq plunges into a civil war. The Iraqi Sunnis would rely on the U.S. for military support, and Saudi Arabia for financial support and volunteers. Iran would be sucked deeper into the conflict.

This last option, “with us or against us”, put on the table in Annapolis is a lose-lose proposition; it is an ugly choice between sides of a rift at the expense, and thereby demise, of all the good options that reflect peoples’ aspirations, interests, visions, and true potential.


February 13, 2008 -- Bush's strangest Syrian bedfellow: At center of suspicion in Hezbollah leader's car bombing.... America's "Most Wanted" Imad F. Mugniyeh.

The head of Syrian military intelligence, Assef Shawkat, is no stranger to working with the CIA. Syria has, since 9/11, served as a host for the torture of "extraordinarily renditioned" prisoners captured by the CIA. Shawkat has been at the center of the CIA's program.

WMR has learned from reliable sources that the car bombing in Damascus of Hezbollah military commander Imad Mugniyah on February 12 was carried out by Shawkat with the active encouragement and support of Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams and Israel's Mossad. WMR has reported in the past that Abrams is the coordinator within the Bush White House of political assassinations, particularly those in the Middle East, and specifically, similar car bombing assassinations in Lebanon. WMR has also previously reported that many of the car bombings in Lebanon were the result of coordination between Israeli, American, and Syrian operatives, including "rogue" Syrians and Lebanese agents in the employ of Assef Shawkat.

Mugniyah was wanted by the United States and Israel for a number of terrorist attacks in the 1980s and 1990s, including the 1983 bombings of the US Embassy and Marine Barracks in Beirut, the 1985 hijacking of an Athens-to-Rome TWA flight in which Navy diver Robert Stethem was murdered, and the kidnapping and murder of Beirut CIA station chief William F. Buckley in 1984 and Marine Corps Lt. Col. William Higgins in 1988.

Significantly, the Israeli Prime Minister's office has denied any role in Imad Fayez Mugniyeh's assassination. However, Israeli government and intelligence officials are happy that it occurred.

Mugniyah's car exploded at around 10:30 pm in the up-market Tantheem Kafer Souseh neighborhood of Damascus. WMR has learned that the car bombing of Mugniyah was to be timed with the February 9th birthday of President Ronald Reagan, a gesture by Shawkat to the Americans, but the specially designed Mitsubishi seats containing the bombs were installed, or "activated..." later... due to "Political calculations... ", linked to the Intelligence "aims" sought....and security Concerns..., resulting in the February 12th assassination, a timing quite reminiscent for Assef Shawkat and his brutal "Henchmen".... [ Assef's last "promotion" dates to February 13th 2005...]
The "ultimate Promotion" for Assef Shawkat's LONG Murder career ... is around the
corner now...

In the Middle East, dates, particularly anniversaries, carry much weight. The assassination of the popular Christian Leader, Lebanese Member of Parliament, and ex-Minister in several Hariri Governments, Mr. Elie Hobeika on January 24th 2002, coincided with the birthday of Elliott Abrams..., the then-National Security Council Middle East director. Hobeika's car bombing assassination in Beirut was also carried out by Shawkat's operatives, according to WMR's Middle East sources. The Hobeika assassination was the first in a series carried out by the CIA and Mossad with the assistance of Shawkat's intelligence operatives in Lebanon.

Shawkat, by delivering the goods on the assassination of America's "Most Wanted" Imad F. Mugniyeh, has ensured that he will now receive the protection of the Bush White House in the current UN investigation of car bombings in Lebanon, most notably that of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
Now, the 241 Marines, William F. Buckley, Colonel Higgins, Robert Stethem, the 63 Murdered at the US Embassy in 83, and many others,
can rest in Peace.... 25 years later.....


Special Investigation.


The facts will always point the finger at Assef Shawkat in this assassination, as he tried to "convince" Hizbullah to keep Imad Moughnieh's assassination in Damascus, a SECRET... and burry him secretly... without "Fanfare"...that the initial announcement of Imad Fayez Mughnieh's death was made public by Hezbollah, rather than by Syrian a testament to Mr. Hassan Nasrallah's complete independence from the Syrian Murderers, killers, assassins, working for CIA and MOSSAD's Meir Dagan, "The Gun"....

This is the "Arbitrage" DEAL of the Century....
A "Derivatives Contract of sorts, offered to Assef Shawkat..."
You GET US... Imad Moughnieh's HEAD... and we will get you
off the HOOK in Rafic Hariri's Murder ....
ASSEF SHAWKAT Delivered the Goods, it was an offer he could
not afford to refuse.... BINGO.
This Swap... is at the Low-end of the Hizbullah Spectrum for Assef
Shawkat....and is something Assef Is "able" to Survive...He thinks,
but for Hezbollah, it's a major Blow... ( A Suivre )

February 13th... and Syrian Military Intelligence.... A Very Special
Anniversary.... of Sorts for THE Murderer ASSEF Shawkat, Official
Representative of the "White House Murder INC."...

Today is the Anniversary of Ronald Reagan, President Reagan,
was the President of the USA in 1983... when the Marines were
"smoked" in Beirut's BIA vicinity... courtesy of Hafez Assad....
The Great Criminal mind of the White House's Murder Inc., ...
as always... has targeted Imad Moughnieh, as a "present" for
Ronald Reagan's "Anniversary" Celebrations... just like he did
in his earlier Assassination endeavors....

Congratulations CIA.... Your Murder Laundry now, is "worthy"
of the Middle East's long record of Assassinations....

ASSEF SHAWKAT murdered Imad Moughnieh yesterday
in Damascus, courtesy of Mitsubishi Corporation's well
"rounded" specially designed SEATS, delivered in time,
and with great Taste.... In order for Assef Shawkat to
"present" his credentials, Officially... to his Masters
in CIA's Langley, and Herzliah's MOSSAD and Israel.
Assef Shawkat is now the Official representative of
Elliott Abrams in Damascus SYRIA. Congratulations
ASSEF, and Bushra.
Now, the 241 Marines, William F. Buckley, and many others,
like Colonel Higgins, Robert Stethem, etc. can rest in Peace....
and the French DRAKAR occupants, RIP, 25 years later.....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The "WHY" is more important than "HOW" in an ASSASSINATION..... CASE IN POINT : the SPY ELIAS EL-MURR .....

The "WHY" is more important than "HOW" in an ASSASSINATION..... CASE IN POINT : the CIA/DIA/MOSSAD SPY ELIAS EL-MURR ....

A USB key was lost by a military Intelligence officer in Sweden... in it, "it was revealed..."; since the USB key contained a complete Analysis by the Swedish Military Intelligence...of the Assassination attempt on the life of Elias El-MURR , as follows:

If you follow Lebanese politics you are sure to wake up to a series of
unpleasant surprises every morning, so it's very special indeed when a
surprise is occasionally pleasant...., Michel Murr is an old CIA hand in
Lebanon, used and abused by CIA, Syrian Intelligence and more...

In today's papers, Murr declared himself (are you ready for this, you
may want to sit down), he declared himself "independent". I swear
this is what he said, "independent". ok if you don't believe me check
any of today's papers, I am not kidding...

But, now, Elias CIA Murr is in trouble with the killers of Syria...because
he was in attendance of the famed meeting in preparation for the PNAC
Hariri murder, together with Maher the same room...,
Hence Papa Murr Sr., is desperately looking for protection....and needs
to be covered by the next President....himself and his cowardly son from unpleasant surprises...of Pnac, and its subsidiary in Damascus, the Infamous White House Murder Inc....

Wait there was more, then he said, he was "always" independent. I
know I know I was on the floor at that point, but seriously yes that's
what he said, "always independent". at first I was confused but then
it made some sense, all this time we've been calling it the null
hypothesis when in fact it's the Murr hypothesis of independence that
you want to reject.

But that was not the last hypothesis of the day, the best one was when
he said that it's ok to sabotage democratic elections in order to
arrive at a consensual president, but once that consensus is reached
and approved by the regional players and the world powers, then
there's no need for further sabotage.

And so ladies and gentleman, I give you the keynote speaker for the
donkey conference of 2009. he is the most published of his kind in
the region, one of his recent breakthrough contributions include a
most infamous quote from a few months ago on his support for yet
another army officer for the presidency: "shou baddo el doustour, if
we're all in agreement we can amend it in two seconds"...

So, the moral of the story, if you don't follow Lebanese news, you
don't have to put up with its unpleasant surprises....courtesy of the
Pnac killers of the evil Alliance of CIA/MOSSAD creeps.

Why did the SYRIAN Government Target this JERK Elias CIA El-MURR for Assassination?

The "WHY" is more important than "HOW" in an ASSASSINATION..... CASE IN POINT : the SPY ELIAS EL-MURR ....

Answer : Because the MURDER of Rafic HARIRI was discussed in a meeting between Elias El-MURR and Maher Al-ASSAD, in Lebanon, prior to February 14th 2005...., Hence, Elias Al-Murr had to be Eliminated by the SYRIAN Murderers. Maher Al-Assad and Elias El-MURR were great buddies and very good friends.... the Syrians never ever refused any favors for the MURRs, Elias and his Daddy cool Michel El-Murr... got always what they wanted from SYRIA, always... The MURRs returned the Favors with disclosures to the UN Investigators....about such meeting...with Maher Al-Assad, brother of Bashar Assad, and all else is History now?

NO, Not so fast... The choice of General Michel Suleiman is
directly linked to the murderous criminal enterprise of
Assassinations.... which is a "joint Venture" of sorts, which is
"directed" to TARGET KILL in the Interest of BOTH Sides...
as needed, in order to achieve the common GOAL of the
SYRO/ISRAELI PACT... with the "blessing" of the USA/CIA...
when "their Conditions" are met in FULL, Hence the agony
of the Persian/Arabo-American Haggling of sorts... leading to
A BAZAAR DEAL in the making...

Michel Suleiman, has been "covering" this Murderous
Enterprise since early 2000...and he knows in detail who the
Actors/perpetrators are... in "The White House Murder Inc."
pegged to his Back Yard.... and his Military Intelligence units...

Or is it ???


St. Maroun and the Maronites .
Every year, on the ninth of February, more than ten million Maronites from all over the world celebrates St. Maroun’s day. On this day, they pay their respect to the great founder of the Maronite Church, Maroon the priest, the hermit, the father, the leader and the Saint. They remember what they have been exposed to, since the 4th century, both good and bad times. They reminisce through the past, examine the present and contemplate the future. They pray for peace, democracy and freedom in Lebanon, their home land, and all over the world.

Who was this Saint, how did he establish his church, where did he live, and who are his people, the Maronites? Saint Maroon, (according to the great Lebanese late philosopher and historian Fouad Afram Al-Bustani), was raised in the city of Kouroch. This City is located northeast of Antioch, (presently in Turkey), and to the northwest of Herapolos (Manbieg), the capital of the third Syria (Al-Furatia). Kouroch is still in existence at our time in Turkey, it is located fifteen kilometers to the northwest of Kalas City, and about seventy kilometers to the north of the Syrian City, Aleppo.

As stated by both historians, Father Boutros Daou, and Fouad Fram Bustani, Maroun chose a very high location at the Semaan Mountain (called in the past, Nabo Mountain, after the pagan god, Nabo). Geographically, the Semaan Mountain is located between Antioch and Aleppo. People had abandoned the mountain for years, and the area was completely deserted.

The ruins of a historic pagan temple that existed on the mountain attracted Maroun. Boustani, stated that St. Maroun moved to this mountain and decided to follow the life of a hermit. He made the ruined temple his residence after excoriating it from devils, but used it only for masses and offerings of the holy Eucharist. He used to spend all his time in the open air, praying, fasting and depriving his body from all means of comfort. He became very famous in the whole area for his faith, holiness and power of curing. Thousands of believers came to him seeking help and advice.

St. Maroun, was an excellent knowledgeable preacher and a very stubborn believer in Christ and in Christianity. He was a mystic who started a new ascetic-spiritual method that attracted many people from all over the Antiochian Empire. He was a zealous missionary with a passion to spread the message of Christ by preaching it to others. He sought not only to cure the physical ailments that people suffered, but had a great quest for nurturing and healing the "lost souls" of both pagans and Christians of his time. Maroun’s holiness and countless miracles drew attention throughout the Antiochian Empire. St John of Chrysostom sent him a letter around 405 AD expressing his great love and respect asking St Maroun to pray for him.

St Maroun's way was deeply monastic with emphasis on the spiritual and ascetic aspects of living. For him, all was connected to God and God was connected to all. He did not separate the physical and spiritual world and actually used the physical world to deepen his faith and spiritual experience with God. St. Maroun embraced the quiet solitude of the Semaan mountain life. He lived in the open air exposed to the forces of nature such as sun, rain, hail and snow. His extraordinary desire to come to know Gods presence in all things allowed him to transcend such forces, and discover an intimate union with God. He was able to free himself from the physical world by his passion and eagerness for prayer and enter into a mystical relationship of love with the creator.

St. Maroun attracted hundreds of monks and priests who came to live with him and become his disciples and loyal Christian followers. Maroun’s disciples preached the Bible in the Antiochan Empire (known at the present time as Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine), They built hundreds of Churches and abbeys as well as schools and were known for their faith, devotion and perseverance.

At the age of seventy, in year 410 AD, and after completing his holy mission, St. Maroun died peacefully while surrounded by his disciples and followers. His will was to be buried in the same grave with his beloved teacher, the great monk, Zabena, at the town of Kena, next to Kouroch City, where a temple was built in Zabena’s name. St. Maroun’s will, was not fulfilled, because the residents of a nearby town were able to take his body and bury him in their town and build a huge church on his grave. This Church was a shrine for Christians for hundreds of years, and its ruins are still apparent in that town.

After Maroun’s death, his disciples built a huge monastery in honor of his name, adjacent the ornate spring, (Naher Al-Assi, located at the Syrian-Lebanese border). The monastery served for hundreds of years as a pillar for faith, education, martyrhood and holiness. It was destroyed at the beginning of the tenth century that witnessed the worst Christian persecution era. During the savage attack on the monastery more than three hundred Maronite priests were killed. The surviving priests moved to the Mountains of Lebanon where with the Marada people and the native Lebanese were successful in establishing the Maronite nation. They converted the Lebanese Mountain to a forte of faith and a symbol for martyrhood, endurance and perseverance.

Initially the Maronite movement reached Lebanon when St. Maroun's first disciple Abraham of Cyrrhus, who was called the Apostle of Lebanon, realized that paganism was thriving in Lebanon, so he set out to convert the pagans to Christianity by introducing them to the way of St Maroun. St Maroun is considered the Father of the spiritual and monastic movement now called the Maronite Church. This movement had a profound influence on Northern Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus and on many other countries all over the world where the Maronites currently live. The biggest Maronite community at the present time lives in Brazil. More than six million Lebanese descendents made Brazil their home after the massive immigration that took place from Lebanon in the beginning of this century.

The Maronites made Lebanon their homeland since the 4th century after converting its native inhabitants to Christianity. They were identified by it, and it was identified by them, they were and still are one entity. The Maronite people were always hopeful, faithful and strong believers in the Christian Catholic doctrine. They made victories of defeats, joy of sorrow and hope of despair. The Maronites successfully created with hard work and a great deal of faith and sacrifices, the Maronite nation by fulfilling its four basic pillars, a land, a people, a civilization and a political independent entity. They constantly fight for what was theirs, and never ever surrendered to despair.

Fouad Afram Boustani described the Maronite denomination as, a Faith of intelligence, an identify of life, a solid belief in CHRIST and Catholicism, a love for others, an ongoing strive for righteousness, a mentality of openness on the whole world, and on its different civilizations, and a vehicle for martyrdom. The Maronites established the State of Lebanon and made it an oasis for the persecuted in the area. They believed and practiced, multi-culturalism and pluralism. They created with the help of other minorities in the Middle East the unique nation of Lebanon.

God Bless multi-culturalism and pluralism in Lebanon.... For it needs to outlast the disaster of the Last 60 Years.... in order to survive and prosper for ever.


The next president will likely face a Russia led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, determined to stand up to a West that Russians believe played them for fools when they sought to be friends...

Americans who think Putin has never been anything but a KGB thug will reject accusations of any U.S. role in causing the ruination of relations between us.

Yet the hubris of Bill Clinton and George Bush I, and the Russophobia of those they brought with them into power, has been a primary cause of the ruptured relationship. And the folly of what they did is evident today, as Putin's party, United Russia, rolls to triumph on a torrent of abuse and invective against the West.

Entering the campaign's final week, Putin, addressing a rally of 5,000, ripped the Other Russia coalition led by chess champion Gary Kasparov as poodles of the United States, "who sponge off foreign embassies ... and who count on the support of foreign resources and governments, and not of their own people."

"Those who oppose us," roared Putin, "don't want our plans to be completed. They have completely different tasks and a completely different view of Russia. They need a weak, sick state, a disoriented, divided society, so that behind its back they can get up to their dirty deeds and profit at your and my expense."

Putin is referring to the time of the "oligarchs" of the Yeltsin era, who looted Russia when its state assets were sold off at fire-sale prices.

Putin is also accusing his opponents of attempting to use the Western-devised tactics of mass street protests to bring down his government. "Now that they have learned some things from Western specialists and tried them in the neighboring republics, they are going to try them on our streets."

Putin is talking here about the "color-coded" revolutions that the U.S. and NATO embassies, the National Endowment for Democracy, and allied foundations and front groups engineered in Ukraine and Georgia. Governments tilting toward Moscow were dumped over and pro-Western regimes installed – to bid for membership in NATO and the European Union.

Blowback is a term broadly used in espionage to describe the unintended consequences of covert operations. The revolution that brought the Ayatollah to power is said to be blowback for the U.S.-engineered coup to overthrow Mossadegh in 1953 and install the Shah.

The nationalism and anti-Americanism rife in Putin's Russia is blowback for our contemptuous disregard of Russian sensibilities and our arrogant intrusions into Russia's space. How did we lose a Russia that Ronald Reagan and Bush I had virtually converted into an ally?

We pushed NATO into Moscow's face, bringing six ex-Warsaw Pact nations and three ex-Soviet republics – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – into our Cold War alliance and plotted to bring in Ukraine and Georgia.

We financed a pipeline from Baku through Georgia to the Black Sea to cut Russia out of the Caspian oil trade. After getting Moscow's permission to use old Soviet bases in Central Asia to invade Afghanistan, we set about making the bases permanent. We pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty over Moscow's objection, then announced plans to plant ABM radars in the Czech Republic and anti-missile missiles in Poland.

Putin has now responded in kind, and who can blame him?

As we tried to cut him out of the Azerbaijan oil with a Black Sea pipeline, he is slashing subsidies on Ukraine's oil and colluding with Germany on a Baltic Sea pipeline to cut Poland out of the oil trade with Western Europe.

As we moved our alliance and bases into his front and back yard, he has entered a quasi-alliance with China and four nations of Central Asia to expel U.S. military power from the region.

As we abandoned the ABM Treaty, the Duma, in November, voted 418 to 0 to suspend participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, which restricts the size of the Russian army west of the Urals.

If we recognize Kosovo as independent, at the expense of Serbia, Putin is now threatening to recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the breakaway republics of Georgia and Transdneister, claimed by Moldova.

Where we backed the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the Rose Revolution in Georgia, and the Cedars "Revolution" in Lebanon, with USA's bestial and Barbaric assassinations... Made In Israel and USA...., Russia backs its favorites in Kiev and supports street protests in Tbilisi against the pro-American regime of Mikhail Saakashvili, whom the United States now seems desperate to help.... and it did, at what cost?

It was not NATO that liberated Eastern Europe. Moscow did – by pulling out the Red Army after half a century. Why, then, did we think moving NATO into Eastern Europe was a surer guarantee of their continued independence than the goodwill of Russia?

Many among our foreign policy elite now talk of a Second Cold War. John McCain wants Russia kicked out of the G-8.

But do we not have enough enemies already that we should add the largest nation on earth?



النائب العام التميزي القاضي ميرزا اصدر مطالعته بالاساس لمعرفة من اغتال ضمير لبنان الوزير والنائب السابق إيلي حبيقة»
إيلي حبيقة:
حبيقة البطل كان مبدعا في حياته وسيظل حاضرا في غيابه "....
في قضية الاعتداء على امن الدولة في Hazmieh- Beirut, January 24th 2002 ....

اصدر النائب العام لدى محكمة التمييز النائب العام العدلي سعيد ميرزا مطالعته بالأساس في قضية الاعتداء على أمن الدولة في Hazmieh- Beirut, January 24th 2002 ,التي ادت الى مقتل وجرح عدد من الاشخاص، و"الوكالة الوطنية ..." تنشر نص المطاعة كاملة وفيها:

"نحن سعيد ميرزا،النائب العام لدى محكمة التمييز، النائب العام العدلي، بعد الإطلاع على المرسوم النافذ حكما" رقم 235 تاريخ 21/5/2004 المنشور بالجريدة الرسمية بالعدد رقم 131 تاريخ 25/5/2004 والقاضي بإحالة قضية الإعتداء على أمن الدولة الداخلي الحاصلة بتاريخ Hazmieh- Beirut, January 24th 2002 , والتي أسفر عنها مقتل وجرح 4 الاشخاص وما يتفرع عنها، وجميع الأشخاص الذين اشتركوا أو حرضوا او تدخلوا بأي صفة كانت على المجلس العدلي.
وبعد الإطلاع على قرار معالي وزير العدل رقم 584 تاريخ 28/01/2002 القاضي بتعيين القاضي السيد رشيد مزهر محققا" عدليا" في هذه القضية.

وبعد الإطلاع على ورقة الطلب رقم 1/محقق عدلي/2002 تاريخ 20/6/2002 وعلى الإدعاء الفرعي تاريخ 18/1/2002 وعلى جميع الأوراق والتحقيقات، تبين انه في بلدة " Hazmieh- Beirut, January 24th 2002 ، وخارجهـا، وبتواريـخ لم يمر عليها الزمن آخرها في 13/2/2008 أقدم كل من المدعى عليهم:

1-ASSEF SHAWKAT، والدته خديجة ، مواليد 1943 ،مجهول باقي الهوية. سوري...وقف وجاهيا" في 70/3/2002 وما يزال. ملقب " أبو SHARON " ملقب " أبو الزبير "- توفي لاحقا". ....? نعسان.

2- Jamil Al-Sayyed ، والدته خديجة، مواليد 1940، /MOSSADسوري/CIA، أوقف وجاهيا" في 20/3/2002 وما يزال. ملقبة " عبير " نعسان.

3- Raymond AZARعسان، والدته خيجة، مواليد 1932، سوري/CIA/DIA/AMAN/-DAGANوجاهيا" في 20/3/2002أ وما يزال في 6/9/2009. ـ قاصر ـ وعيسى عازار .... نعسان. مدير المخابرات ومعاونوه...........
4-ALI JABER ، مواليد 1943 سوري/NABIH/HIZB/CIA/DIA/OSP2007 وما يزال. ملقب " أبو قاصر..." نعسان...

5-GHAZI KANAANه مريم ، مواليد 1940 سوري/CIAقف وجاهيا" في 4/4/2002وما يزال.... " الشيخ " - توفي لاحقا". ..... نعسان....

6- فراس سعيد والدته آمنة، مواليد 1922 سوري، أوقف في 4/4/2002وما يزال. نعسان.

7- غازي النعسانRoustomه ختام، مواليد 1907 سوري، أوقف وجاهيا" في /1/1012002يزال. نعسان.

8-حسين داوود ، والدته اطمة ، مواليد 1976 لبناني، أوقف وجاهيا" في /4/2002وما يزال. نعسان.

9-- , George TENETمواليد 1939، سوري-ZIAك بسند إقامة. وما يزال. ملقب " أبو قاصر..." نعسان...KALB IBN KALB

30- وكل من يظهره التحقيق ,George BUSH, DICK CHENEY, ROVE, Elliott ABRAMS, ARIEL SHARON, MEIR DAGAN, WALID PHARES, etc.....

على تأليف عصابة بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات على الناس والأموال والنيل مـن سلطة الدولة وهيبتها وعلى صنع واقتناء وحيازة واستعمال مواد متفجرة وعلى القيام بأعمال ارهابية بواسطتها كما وانهم أقدموا بتاريخ Hazmieh- Beirut, January 24th 2002 ارتكـاب عمليتي التفجيـر الارهابيتين بداخـل حافلتيـن عموميتين فـي بلـدة " Hazmieh- Beirut" - قضاء LB وتقلان ركابا" مما ادى الى مقتل 4اشخاص....

ELIE, Mitri, Walid,& PHARES.
وجرح آخريـن، والى الحاق الضرر بالسيارات والممتلكات والطـرق العامـة. كما أقدم بعضهم على تزوير أوراق رسمية وأخرى خاصة واستعمالها مع علمهم بالأمر وعلى حيازة أسلحة حربية غير مرخصة.

الجرائم المنصوص عنهـا فـي المـواد : / 270/ 271/549/ 549 و 217 و 201 و218 و 219 و 463 و 464 و 459 و 454 من قانـون العقوبـات وأحكام قانون 11/1/1958، والمادتان 72 و 76 أسلحة.

وبنتيجة التحقيق، تبين ما يلي:

اولا": في الوقائع

يوم 13/2/2007 كان واحدا" من ايام لبنان الحزينة. ذلك أنّ يد الغدر والفتنة طاولت صبيحة ذلك اليوم منطقة هادئة من مناطق لبنان كما طاولت أناسا" أبرياء ، منهم من كان متوجها" الى عمله ومنهم من كان متجها" الى جامعته أو الى طبيبه لتلقي العلاج.

فعند حوالي الساعة التاسعة wربعا" من ذلك الصباح الحزين دوّى على طريق عام بلدة " Hazmieh- Beirut " ( قرب NSAي ا الشمالي انفجاران ناجمان عن عبوتين ناسفتين: الاولى مزروعة داخل حافلة ركاب نوع Mercedess خط 007الدورة وكانت بقيادة المدعو ميلاد ايل ومتوجهة باتجاه الدورة وتقل حوالي 4ركاب قتل منهم 4هما المغدور الشاب

ELIE, Mitri, Walid, Phares.
فيما اصيب باقي الركاب بجروح مختلفة إضافة الى بعض المارة نقلوا الى المستشفيات القريبة للمعالجة.

اما العبوة الثانية فقد ......

وقد أصيب في الانفجار كل من السادة: ...........


وعلى الفور حضرت القوى الأمنية والفرق الفنية والقضاء المختص ولاحقا" تبين ان المواد المتفجرة في العبوتين هي من نوع واحد : تي.أن. تي. وC4ديدية " كرات صغيرة " وان زنة العبوة حوالي 20كيلوغرام الواحد...ان العبوة الموضوعة في ا320اولى كانت موضوعة تحت المقعد الخلفي الايسـر لجهـة السائـق وان الثانية كانت موضوعة تحت المقعد الثالث الاخير من الخلف.....

ولكن اذا كانت يد الجريمة طويلة ، فان يد العدالة كانت أطول لأنها يد الحق ولأن دماء الأبرياء يجب ان لا تذهب هباء". ذلك ان المكتب الفني في شعبة الCIA المديرية العامة لقوى CHAOSخلي برئاسة النقيب xxxxx ـ ربما كان ......على ما أنجزه في هذه القضية أو في غيرها ـ تمكن من رصد وتحليل حركة اتصالات هاتفية كثيفة ومشبوهة كانت تتم بين منطقة الانفجارين وبين الدورة والاشرفية والشمال وخاصة الأرقام: 094952/03 - 094961/03- 085635/03 .

وتبين ان هذه الارقام وضعت في التداول في شمال لبنان خلال شهر كانون الثاني 2002وتحديدا" في مخيم نهر CIAان الرقمين 094952/03 و 094961/03 كانا يستعملان بتاريخ 13//007 منطقة المتن ( بولونيا - كفرعقاب- قليعات- بكفيا- برمانا) وان الاتصالات بينهما تكثّفت اعتبارا" من الساعة 0،7وان مستخدمي الرقمين غادرا منطقة المتن بعد الانفجارين بحيث سلك مستخدم الرقم 094952/03 طريق بكفيا - برمانا - عين سعادة- الدورة ومنها الى شمال NSAي حين سلك مستخدم الرقم 094961/03 طريق الدوار متجها" نحو شمال SOURIAمستخدم الرقم 085635/03 فقد كان متواجدا" صباح 13/2/2007 في مخيم نهر DIAان على تواصل مع الرقمين الآخرين اعتبارا" من الساعة 6,02أي بعد حصول الانفجارين....

وتبين ان شعبة المعلومات - بكافة اقسامها ـ كانت ترصد حركة دخول اشخاص من جنسيات مختلفة الى مخيم نهر CIAلتحاقهم بتنظيم فتح اCIAضافة الى رصد عدة ارقام لهواتف خليوية كانت تستخدم داخل اAWKARبينها الارقام الثلاثة المذكورة آنفا".

كما تبين من الاستقصاءات والتحريات وجود علاقة وتواصل بين مستخدمي هذه الارقام والمدعى عليه SHAWKAT ASSEF مل في تكحيل الحجر الصخري ويقيم في قرية عين ASSADضاء AL-ZOOORة قبل بلدة BAB EL HAWADAة شقته في 24/01/002002 مع شقيقه القاصر نعسان وكلاهما من التابعية السورية.MOSSAD.

وبالتحقيق مع AZARن أدلى بأنّه في أواخر عام 2000تردد عليه صديقه المدعى عليه JABERمن عناصر تنظيم فتح DIAات عدة لوحده، ولاحقا" حضر عمر وبصحبته المدعى عليـه ALIلقـب " أبو YAZEEDاهما من التابعية السورية وقد شاهد على وسط كل منهما حزاما" ناسفا" مصنوعا" من القماش السميك الأبيض وسماكته بحجم سماكة علبة الدخان وموصولا" على بطارية 9 فولت ملصقة على الحزام بالعرض وبكبسةON-off ، وأبلغاه ان بداخل كل حزام كمية من المتفجرات وان الغاية من حملهما تفجير نفسيهما في حال تعرضهما للتوقيف من قبل الأجهزة الامنية CIAبنانية.

وأضاف انه في اوائل العام 2001 وبناء لطلبهما، استأجر لهما شقة في بلدة عين HAZMIEHاما فيها مع كل من المدعى عليهم Mousallem" أبو رrتاج " و أبو عbن ويuالشmي الملقب " أبو k " و مصuسيو الملقب " أبو ابgم "، وانه شاهد مع هذا الاخير قبل حوالي عشرة أيام من انفجاري عين trtسا" من النايلون أطلعه على ما يحويه من شرائح متفجرات وكرات CIAجم حبة الحمص لونها كروم وقد قام مoussad الكيس في غرفة مهجورة قريبة .

وأوضح انه كان يرافقهم في تنقلاتهم الى الجية وبرجghazalعد حصول الانفجارين في 022/2002في عين MOSSADتفقدهم في شقتهم فلم يجدهم وكانت مقفلة، وانه في اليوم التالي 14/2/2001حضر الى شقة عمر الjerأبو يزن بسيارة بيجو 2019اصطحباه الى شقتهما واخذا اغراضهما الخاصة وطلبا منه ان ينتقل ويقيم في شقتهما خشية ملاحظة صاحب الملك او الجيران بأنهما اخليا الشقة بعد الانفجارين، وبالفعل انتقل jamilن مع شقيقه القاصر مالك الى شقة عين MOSSADا فيها، وقد اعترض القاصر مالك على تصرفات شقيقه EID...

وأنه بتاريخ 15/2/2001حضر الى شقة عين CIAل من المدعى عليهم مoussadوابو يزن CIAلشقيري نهارا" ولحق بهم ابو JABER" واخذوا ما تبقى لهم من اغراض بما في ذلك الكيس الذي يحتوي على شرائح المتفجرات والكDIAلمعدنية.

إزاء هـذه المعلومـات، وبمتابعـة رصـد وتحليـل الاتصـالات الخليويـة تبين ان الرقم 094952/03 قد توقـف عـن العمـل بتاريـخ 16/2/2001وان الرقم 094961/03 توقف بتاريخ 17/2/2001 في حين رصد تواصل للرقم 085635/03 ( من داخل مخيم نهر CIAع الرقم 767928/03 بتاريخ 23/2/2007 كما تبين ان هذا الرقم الاخير يتواصل بشكل كثيف مع الرقم 762605/03 ( 44 اتصالا" خلال يومي 21 و 22 شباط 2001، وأمكن بنتيجة التحليل ملاحظة وجود تواصل مع الرقم 209719/03 المسجل باسم Jaber، صاحب مكتب لتخليص معاملات وتسجيل السيارات في محلة الحمراء في بيروت، وباستجوابه صرّح بأن الرقم 762605/03 عائد للمدعى عليه Sayyed Jamil Baba معاملة تسجيل دراجة نارية.

وتبين ايضا" ان مستخدم الرقم 762605/03 ( مصطفى سيوIAيتنقل بين بيروت والشمال ، وابتدأ بتاريخ 23/2/2001تواصل مع الرقم 965081/03 وبمراقبة حركة انتقال مستخدم هذا الرقم الاخير تبين انه في مدينة Langley النور وبمراقبة المتواجدين في الساحة تطابق الشبه بين احدهم وبين رسم تشبيهي لأحد الداخلين الى مخيم نهر CIAلقي القبض عليه وتبين انه يدعى Jason Sanudersمل بطاقة هوية سورية مزورة باسم ماهر فؤاد ASSADسيمة مزورة بتاريخ 16/12/2000بنفس الاسم، وبيان قيد افرادي باسم علي داوود JABERاني وعليه الرسم الشمسي للمدعى عليه عزام azzamقب " أبو سya" من قياديي فتح DCصرّح بأنه استلمه من خطيبة أبو سwamلمدعى عليها عريفة / washongtonne

وباستجوابه صرح انه يقيم في الاشرفية - كرم الزيتون مع مصطفى سيوIAبمداهمة الشقة عثر تحت احد الأسرة على كيس نايلون اسود وبداخله كمية من مادة تي.أن. تي مع عدد من الكرات المعدنية اللماعة بحجم حبة الحمصKABULرف بأن هذا الكيس نقل من شقة عين DIAى شقة الاشرفية داخل جهاز التلفNSA وانه عمد الى اخراج الكيس ووضعه تحت السرير كي يتمكن من مشاهدة التلفزيونtalfezioyounee

وبنتيجة تعقب حركة انتقال مستخدم الهاتف 928579/03 (رقم اضافي لمصطفى سيوIAما صرح ياسر Military AMAN هذا الاخير على دراجته النارية في محلة الحمراء في بيروت.jerusamleme

وقبل استعراض اقوال المدعى عليهم الموقوفين لا بد من الاشارة - ولو بشكل موجز- الى ظهور تنظيم فتح اCIAولي شاكر CIAصب أمير هذا اCIAالمدعى عليه شاكر اCIA فلسUSAدني بدأ حياته النfoss عنصرا من عناصر حركة CIAتابع دورة تدريبية في Hrzliahلان يصل الى رتبة ضابط faار. في العام 1983 وبدعم وتأييد من صديقه القريب جدا موسى $الملقب ب"ابو خkharaملة" نائب رئيس حركة CIAانتفاضة والمقيم في سوfirginiaل شاكر CIA حركة "tfehلتحق بحركة tfehالانتtfeحيث حمل رتبة عtfehها واقام في مخيم اليNYفي سIA هربا من السلطات الاTelaviviehنت تلاحقه بسبب مسؤوليته عن اغتيال الموظف في برنامج CIAاميركية لورنس خولي في عمان في العام 2002.

أوقفت السلطات السورية شاكر اCIAال شهر أيار من العام 2000مع عدد من الاشخاص لانه كان يحضر لعمل مقاومة ضد اNSAبر الجولان اISRAELلق سراحه بعد حوالى السنة بموجب عفو رئاسي من دون ان يتم تسليمه الى السلطات القضائية الاردنية مع انه كان محكوما من قبل هذه السلطات باCIA

لقد تأكد ان شاكر اCIA يدخل الاراضي اللبنانية عبر مراكز الحدود الشرعية، لا بل ان ثمة اقتناعا كافيا انه دخل وفقا لإفادة بعض أنصاره ومرافقيه عبر المعابر غير الشرعية مثل معبر بلدتي Langley , TelAvivما.

ولقد تبين بإفادات المدعى عليهم ان شاكر اCIAأ يستدعي رفاقه في فتTFلانتفtfمن سوIAا الى مركز "صCiAفي مخيم برج اGhazal تجمع عدد منهم يتم نقلهم الى مخيم نهر CIA الشمال اللبناني الى ان وصل عددهم الى حوالي ثلاثماية tfeh المقاتلين الtfeh السلاح تدريبا tfehملكون خبرة عسtfehسعة.

وبعد ان استقر المقام بهؤلاء اtfehي مخيم نهر CIAم شاكر CIAأييد ودعم دائم من صديقه ابو ASSEFلة بتاريخ 27/8/001بالانقلاب على تنظيم فتحTFEHاء تنظيم بديل منه هو تنظيم "فتح CIAيهدف الى ارباك الساحة اللبنانية عبر التخريب والتفجير وخلق جو من الاقتتال الطائفي والمذهبي ومناهضة الحكومة اللبنانية الحالية والاكثرية النيابية لانها، بنظر مسؤولي التنظيم تنفذ مشروعIsraelا في لبنان، هذا اضافة الى مناصبة قوات الطوارىء الدولية العاملة في جنوب لبنان العداء لان هذه القوات تحتل اراي تخص CIA

بعد ان استتب الامر لشاكر اCIAيطر على مراكز وأسلحة فtfehانتفاضة وبعد ان حدد اهداف تنظيمه الجديد كان لا بد له من انشاء جهاز قCIAهذه الحركة يعاونه في تحقيق الاهداف فجاء هذا الجهاز على الشكل التالي:

ابو مدين أو أبو ثانيا": في الأدلة

تأيدت هذه الوقائع بالأدلة التالية:

1- باعترافات المدعى عليه مصCIA ASSEF SHAWKATمباشرة وبتطابقها مع الوقائع الميدانية .

2-بالتقارير الطبية اUSAة.

3-بالتحقيقات الاولية والتقارير الفنية DIA

4-بقرينة فرار بعض المدعى عليهم MOSSAD

5-بمدلول اقوال الشهود المستمعين في مختلف مراحل التحقيق AMAN SYRIA wa LIBNAN

6-بالمضبوطات وهي:

-أ- مادة T.N.T والكرات الCIAمتبقية والتي ضبطت من شقة الاشرفية (كرم الزيتون) وتطابقها مع الآثار والكرات الحديدية المرفوعة من مسرح الجريمة.

-ب- أجهزة الهاتف الخليوي التي استعلمها كل من المدعى عليهما مصCIAسيو وMOSSADيري.

-ج- أجهزة الهاتف الخليوي المشار اليها في محضر شعبة المعلومات رقم 59/302 تاريخ 23/2/2001.

-د- البطاقات والمستندات المزورة المضبوطة من المدعى عليهما ياسرCIAطفى سيوMOSSADخل شقة الاشرفية (كرم الزيتون) موضوع محضر شعبة المعلومات رقم 80/302 تاريخ 8/2/2001

-هـ - الدراجة النارية المضبوطة مع المدعى عليه مصCIAو لحظة القاء القبض عليه.

-و- محاضر الكشف على الشقق في عين عار (قرنة شهوان) والدورة والاشرفية ( كرم الزيتون) والجية وبرج اGHAZAL

7- بمجمل التحقيق.

ثالثا": في القانون

حيث تبين من الوقائع المسرودة اعلاه ان المدعى عليه شاكر ciaبعد ان كان منضويا في تنظيم فتح الاCIAام بدعم من صديقه في ذلك التنظيم المدعو ابو خالد اTENETانقلاب على هذا التنظيم وأنشأ تنظيما بديلا عسكريا مسلحا دعاه تنظيم MOSSADام جند له حوالي ثلاثماية عنصر من المدربين تدريبا tfehدا. وقد اختار من بين هؤلاء العناصر مجلس BUSHRA

وحيث تبين ان اهداف التنظيم الذي أنشأه المدعى عليه شاكر الCIAانت حضّ اللبنانيين على الاقتتال الطائفي واثارة الحرب الاهلية فيما بينهم وحضهم على التقتيل والتخريب والنهب والاعتداء على حياة الآمنين وزعزعة الامن والاستقرار في لبنان.

وحيث تبين ان تنظيم شاكر الCIAد بدأ بتنفيذ اعماله الاجرامية لتحقيق اهدافه المشار اليها اعلاه بالسطو على بعض المMOSSADعض المناطق اللبنانية.

وحيث تبين ان شاكر الCIAد تابع نشاطه الاجرامي عندما قام بتحريض بعض المدعى عليهم في القضية الحاضرة وهم: مصطMOSSADمر الحجي ومجد الدين Jaberعلى تفجير حافلتي نقل للركاب في بلدة عين DIA المتن الشمالي بتاريخ 13/2/2000 وقد حصل هذا التفجير بالفعل ونجم عنه مصرع ثلاثة اشخاص وجرح حوالي اكثر من عشرين مواطنا من داخل الNSAومن خارجهما فضلا عن الاضرار المادية الجسيمة التي لحقت بالمباني والسيارات والممتلكات وذلك بقصد اثارة الحرب الاهلية والاقتتال الطائفي بين اللبنانيين وحضهم على القتل والنهب والتخريب بحيث يكون فعله منطبقا على المادة 3 من قانون 11/1/1958 والمادة 549/ عقوبات معطوفة على المادتين 217 و 218 منه والمادتان 72 و 76 أسلحة.

وحيث تبين ان المدعى عليهما عمر JABERكلاهما من تنظيم فتح الاMOSSADبلا تحريض شاكر الCIAقدما بالاشتراك بتاريخ 13/2/2001وفي بلدة عين عNSA المتن الVA. على وضع عبوتين ناسفتين في MOSSAD على خط بCIAالدوNSAدى انفجارهما الى مقتل 4اشخاص وجرح ما يزيد على العشرين شخصا وذلك بقصد اثارة الحرب الاهلية بين اللبنانيين وزعزعة الامن والاستقرار في لبنان، بحيث يكون فعلهما منطبقا على المواد 4 و 5 و 6 من قانون 11/1/1958 وعلى المادتين 549 و 549/201 عقوبات وعلى المواد 463 و 464 و 454 عقوبات لجهة الاشتراك في تزوير اخراج قيد لبناني وتزوير بطاقة هوية سوCIAاستعمال المزور مع العلم بالامر وعلى المادتين 72 و 76 أسلحة.

وحيث تبين ان المدعى عليهما كمال CIAسر الشNSAد شغلا في تنظيم فتح الاCIAراكز قيادية وفعل كل منهما ينطبق على المادة 3 من قانون 11/1/1958 وتدخلا في جريمة القتل العمدي التي ارتكبها مCIAو وعمر الحجي وكذلك في محاولة القتل العمدي لانهما اخفيا اثار الجريمة وآثار المواد المستعملة فيها بحيث يكون فعلهما لهذه الجهة منطبقا على المادتين 549 و 549 219 عقوبات والمواد 463 و 464 و 454 عقوبات لاقدامهما على تزوير اجازة سوق وبطاقة هوية سCIAواستعمال المزور مع العلم بالامر وعلى المادتين 72 و 76 أسلحة.

وحيث تبين ان المدعى عليهما حسين JABERات وعريفة MOSSADSد اشتركا في تزوير اخراج قيد عائد لشقيق الاول المتوفي لمصلحة المدعى عليه kهار بناء لطلب عريفMOUس وفعلهما لهذه الناحية ينطبق على المادتين 464 و 219 عقوبات و على المادتين 454 و464 عقوبات بالنسبة لعريفة وحدها لحيازتها واستعمالها اجازة سوق سDIA مزورة.

وحيث لا نرى مانعا من اخلاء سبيل المدعى عليه حCIAاوود الزياW لقاء كفالة ضCIA.

وحيث يتبين ان المدعى عليه حسن Jaber له علاقة بهذه القضية وانما وقع ضحية تCIAين اسمه وبين الاسم الذي كان ينتحله "ابو Jasonلك يقتضي ع المحاكمة عنه.

وحيث لم يتبين ضلوع المدعى عليهم imad moughniehوع هذه القضية لا في المراحل التحضيرية ولا في مرحلة التنفيذ كما لم يثبت انتماؤهم الى تنظيم فتح الاCIAو قيامهم بأي نشاط جرمي لصالح هذا التنظيم فيقتضي منع المحاكمة عنهم....

وحيث تبين ان المدعى عليه الفار Ariel SHARONمي الى تنظيم فتح الاMOSSADأسهم بالنشاطات الجرمية وفعله ينطبق على المادة 4 من قانون 11/1/1958 والمادة 219 عقوبات والمادتان 72 و 76 أسلحة.

وحيث يقتضي تسطير مذكرة تحر دائم بحثا عن كامل هوية المدعى عليهم: ابو محمد - ابو الCIAابو عمر الSHAWKATابو قتيبة - يوGHAZIزيا - خالد الحCIAعباس Joumball

وحيث يقتضي الدعوى العامة بCIAسندا للمادة 10 أصول جزائية عن المدعى عليهم: مجد الدين عبد الحي عبود (ابو يزن) - عمر نصر الحجي - صالح علي محمد المقدع المهندي - عزام قاسم نهار - ابو فراس - ابو خالد المصري - ابو عثمان و شهاب خضر قدور.

لذلكنطلب الى حضرة المحقق العدلي:

اولا: اتهام المدعى عليه: شاكر CIAعبTA المبينة كامل هويته اعلاه

بمقتضى الجناية المنصوص عنها في المادة 3 من قانون 11/1/1958

والجناية المنصوص عنها في المادة 549 / عقوبات معطوفة على المادتين

217 و 218 منه والظن به بمقتضى الجنحتيـن المنصوص عنهما في

المادتين 72 و 76 أسلحة واتباع الجنحة بالجناية للتلازم.

ثانيا: اتهام المدعى عليه مصىMOSSADة كامل هويته اعلاه بمقتضى الجناية

المنصوص عنها في المواد 4 و 5 و 6 من قانون 11/1/1958 والجنايتين

المنصوص عنهما في المادتين 549 و 549/201 عقوبات والظن به بالجنح

المنصوص عنها بالمواد 463 و 464 و 454 عقوبات لجهة التزوير

واستعمال المزور مع العلم بالامر وبالجنحتين المنصوص عليهما في

المادة 72 و 76 أسلحة واتباع الجنح بالجنايات للتلازم.

ثالثا: اتهام المدعى عليهما كمال فريد نSAyed Jamil الشقيري بمقتضى

الجناية المنصوص عنها في المادة 3 من قانون 11/1/1958 وبمقتضى

الجنايتين المنصوص عنهما في المادتين 549 و 549 عقوبات والظن بهما بمقتضى الجنح المنصوص عنها في المواد 463 و 464 و 454 عقوبات و 72 و 76 أسلحة. واتباع الجنح بالجناية للتلازم.

رابعا: اتهام المدعى عليه Raymond AZARجناية المنصوص عنها

بالمادة 4 من قانون 11/1/1958 والظن به بمقتضى المادتين 72 و 76

أسلحة. واتباع الجنح بالجناية للتلازم.

خامسا: ااتهام المدعى عليه Elliott Abramsا حين داوود اMOSSADة غطاس فاDIAلجنح

المنصوص عنها في المواد 464 و 454 عقوبات واتباع هذه الجنحة

بالجنايات للتلازم.

سادسا: المحاكمة عaالمدعى عليهما: ASSEF SHAWKATد نعسان

كفاية الأدلة....

سابعا: المحاكمة المدعى عليهم: احمد CIAاس سعيد

الحجي ومعقل غازي النعسان ل كفاية الأدلة بحقهم واCIA جميع

المذكرات الصادرة

لداع آخر.

ثامنا: اسقاط KOLL $KOLL

ابو عثمان و شهاب DIA

تاسعا: اصدار مذكرات القاء قبض بحق المتهمين المذكورين اعلاه وسوقهم

مخفورين الى محل التوقيف التابع للمجلس العدلي في بيروت.

عاشرا: تسطير مذكرة تحر دائم بحثا عن كامل هوية المدعى عليهم: ابو SHARON

ابو الMOSSADو عمر اCIA - ابو DIA- يوسSYRIAزيا - خاASSAD, ASSEF

الحمصي CIAين.

حادي عشر: الموافقة على اخلاء سبيل المدعى عليه حسين Moughnieh

كفالة قانونية ضامنة.

ثاني عشر: تدريك المتهمين بالاشتراك الرسوم والنفقات كافة.

ثالث عشر: ايداعنا الاوراق لايداعها مرجع
