Friday, February 18, 2011

Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon: Petraeus, personalities, policy and Wars...

Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon: Petraeus, personalities, policy and Wars...

Resistance to the USIsraeli Empire is the only way going forward...

The following might be considered grounds for cautious optimism, if the reader was unaware that dominant forces in our little corner of the Universe have little use for optimism, unless it is the key to something far more sinister, such as allowing the Empire to maintain its choke-hold on the American political process. It seems, at first glance, that all of the key military leadership positions are changing (including Sec/Def Gates), just in time for Obama to silently initiate a new direction for the war. Articles like the following and leaks, which confirm that the war might be winding down in time for the elections, are intended to put the American war resistance "on the back foot," persuading many of the less committed among us to drop our guards and to relax our resistance to the war....

We cannot forget for even one second, that everything we are being fed is an intentional, malicious lie. If they want us to believe something, then, in our dialectical existence, we know that it cannot be true. In our world, the world being constructed for us, "black is always white, war is always peace, slavery is true freedom." But in the real world, the world which lives in our hearts and in our minds, "black" is black, and "white" is white, and the interplay between them is a wondrous sight to behold! They cannot destroy this beautiful world, which lives and thrives within our own minds, but they cannot stop trying. After all, this is a war against improper thoughts. If you dare to harbor any of these improper thoughts anywhere within your being, then the terror war will surely find you and bomb those thoughts right out of your fragmented skull, or from your next of kin...


War resistance will become tagged as the new "existential threat," to be used for rallying the lunatic fringe on the far right. Look for "left-wing, liberal" views to get the blame for this faltering war. If there were no antiwar effort, then the patriotic crowd would be free to rally American bombers into a great swarm, to wipe the "terrorist elements" from the face of the earth, at least in the Af/Pak, Iran and Lebanon war theaters.... It is very likely that the Republicans will nominate either Petraeus or some other military icon as their next candidate, since the usual gaggle of political hacks will fail to rally the citizenry in any meaningful way (barring another false flag terror attack). If Petraeus is really being retired it will probably be for that purpose.

The Afghan war will not change, except to grow considerably larger that might include Iran and Lebanon....


Hezbollah has given the IDF a good beating twice already. It Seems its bunker mentality only enhances its performance tremendously.....

This made Israel look even worse in the eyes of the world... Israel is like the spoiled brat that throws a tantrum over every trivial thing, while she has the so-called most formidable army in the world, right after USA....but inhabited by cowardly soldiers and a lousy leadership. Israel is like the kid who is so unpleasant that the parent must actually pay others to pretend to get along with him... In adults, this would be called arrogance. Sadly, Israel's behavior has never really risen to the adult level, so we must leave it at spoiled brat for now...

Israel and USA have killed more civilians since 2000 than anybody.... This inspires hatred, and not just by those directly affected.... If Israel/USA condemns "terrorism" Israel/USA must not act like a terrorist group by killing thousands of innocent people and launching the Infamous White House Murder INC, for odious political assassinations in the Levant and in the World.... Other nations, particularly those in the region should not ignore this proven and well known fact....
We often see situations in which the IDF kills a bunch of people and sustains no casualties... Israel's supporters automatically blame the victims. It is not convincing and such justifications only make the original offense look much worse, to put it kindly....